The world’s first communication platform – the Ukrainian Educational Universe portal – for Ukrainian educators has been launched

Скріншот з порталу «Український освітній всесвіт»

On February 12, 2021, the International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations, Lviv Polytechnic National University, presented the world’s first communication platform for Ukrainian educators – the Ukrainian Educational Universe portal. The resource is aimed to promote networking, communication and cooperation between different types of Ukrainian educational institutions outside Ukraine, the formation of the educational environment, development and strengthening of Ukrainian education system abroad. The project is designed to introduce innovations in the educational process of Ukrainian educational institutions abroad, as well as disseminate knowledge about Ukrainian culture and history in the countries of residence.

Three years have passed from the origin of the idea at the First World Forum on Ukrainian Saturday and Sunday School Studies, with the participation of representatives from 36 countries, to its implementation. The portal, which is an interactive map and forum of Ukrainian educational institutions abroad, a platform that will allow quickly and efficiently creating a new intellectual product, sharing experiences, searching and finding new approaches to work with students of different ages, is available at the link

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