Staff and partners of University’s Tech StartUp School join coronavirus fight

Tech StartUp School, Lviv Polytechnic
апарат штучної вентиляції легень

On March 28, a Skype conference was held with the participation of Maksym Kozytskyi, Head of Lviv Regional State Administration, engineer and inventor Oleksandr Butkaliuk, Director of Production at Mawi Band, and Nazarii Podolchak, Direcotr of Tech StartUp School, Lviv Polytechnic. They discussed the possibilities of improving the design of devices for artificial ventilation.

In particular, Mr. Butkaliuk demonstrated several prototypes of improved splitter adapters for ventilators which have already been in use in Canada and the United States since 2006. The new splitters will help save lives of several patients at the same time, by being connected only to one ventilator, the demand and price for which have increased dramatically during the coronavirus pandemic.

The issues of systematic use of the splitter – technical, medical and biotechnological – were discussed. The decision was made to print the prototype in the laboratories of Tech LabInno at Tech StartUp School, Lviv Polytechnic, under the guidance of the inventor and with the involvement of mechanical engineers of Tech StartUp School.

Currently, prototypes are undergoing clinical trials in Kyiv hospitals under the supervision of Serhii Dubrov, President of the Association of Anesthesiologists of Ukraine. From Monday, with the support of Kyiv colleagues, including physicians, tests and training will be held with the possibility of further use in Lviv medical institutions.

Олександр Буткалюк