The 2nd International Scientific and Methodological Seminar «Media as Social Construction of Reality and Business: Ukrainian and World Experience» was held on May 10, 2024. The organizer of the scientific meeting is the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, the Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education.
The purpose of the event is to share experiences and discuss modern conceptual practical aspects of media functioning in the context of economic, security and digital challenges.
Associate Professor Zoriana Haladzhun, head of the JMC Department, opened the scientific event. She outlined the challenges faced by the media and media workers in this difficult and turbulent time for the Ukrainian people.
Scientists from Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine presented interesting reports at the seminar.
Associate Professor Oksana Hudoshnyk, Deputy Dean for Scientific Work at the Faculty of Systems and Mass Communication, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, presented her report «Communication Challenges of Platformization». Using real cases she explained the scientific community how platforms work to preserve the memory of the Russian-Ukrainian war that can become the source of the future national archive.
Anastasia Simashova, Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications, senior lecturer at the Department of Journalism, Kamianets-Podіlskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University, presented her own results of the content analysis of the Italian press in her report «Framing of the Russian-Ukrainian war in the Italian press». Olena Danylina, Associate Professor at the Department of International Journalism, Faculty of Journalism, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University, continued to explore this topic presenting her report «War in Ukraine through the eyes of international media».
The guests from the University of Rzeszów, Dr. Grazyna Filip, Dr Justyna Majchrowska (report Seria pt. Adepci Dziennikarstwa o Dziennikarstwie. Młode dziennikarstwo jako odnościążne forum wymynia myśli studenckiej) and Associate Professor Valentyna Stekolshchykova, Head of the Department of Journalism and Philology, Pylyp Orlyk International Classical University (report «Media Workshop» as an educational simulator for professional media activities»), spoke about the creative and scientific internships of journalism students.
Małgorzata Bożek from the University of Rzeszów dedicated her report to the historical memory and the problem of the Holocaust (report Sublokatorka Hanny Krall: hybryda jako przyskie i struktura. Studium przypadku).