The University implements initiatives to empower women in times of war

According to the STUDWay website
Ілюстрація до матеріалу

Introducing gender equality at work is a mission that a number of Ukrainian businesses have taken on today. But what if you do it at the level of a large university? This is what Iryna Andrusiak, Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Theory of Law and Constitutionalism, the Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education, Lviv Polytechnic, and Head of the University’s Centre for Legal Studies of Gender Equality, is responsible for.

Lviv Polytechnic National University is one of the largest universities in Ukraine which trains specialists in technical, IT, humanitarian and legal fields. It actively promotes gender equality policy, which involves creating equal opportunities for all male and female employees and students. This means ensuring equal conditions for participation in research and educational projects, equal access to positions regardless of gender, regulation of the educational process in connection with the need to plan a family, etc. The University also eradicates any manifestations of violence and sexual harassment.

Since the beginning of the war, Lviv Polytechnic has adapted to the requirements of wartime and adjusted its activities. It pays a lot of attention to psychosocial support for all members of the university community, develops distance learning formats, and conducts online lectures and trainings.

Iryna Andrusiak works at the University’s Centre which analyses gender issues in education and society and conducts outreach activities.

«It is important to implement initiatives that cover various aspects of women’s lives, from education to economic independence and legal protection. A comprehensive approach allows us to take into account the diverse needs of women in different situations, especially in times of war», explains Iryna.

A separate vector of the University team’s work is initiatives aimed at supporting women and combating violence in communities and the workplace. The Centre for Legal Studies of Gender Equality, headed by Iryna Andrusiak, is also involved in this area. It works to develop mechanisms to prevent gender-based violence and provide legal instruments for victims, as well as is involved in the project preparation on gender-responsible post-war reconstruction of the country.

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