From October 27 to November 4, 2020, the First Autumn School «Transfer of Technologies and Innovation: European Ukrainian Experience» within the Jean Monnet project 611679-EPP-1–2019–1-EN -EPPJMO-MODULE «European Experience in Technology Transfer for Ukrainian Universities» / EXTECH took place at Lviv Polytechnic National University.
The participants discussed a wide range of issues on innovation transfer, namely: development of successful startups, financing of university startups in European countries and Ukraine, formation of regional business incubators, involvement of stakeholders in transfer of university startups, formation of crowdfunding platforms and transfer of ideas to the Industry 4.0 market.
The participants of the event were employees of innovation offices, students and academic staff from Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Ostroh.
Among the speakers of the event were Ivan Zupich, associate professor of Goldsmith University of London, Bertrand Tortellier, project engineer at Alpine Social Innovation Strategy, Maksym Sierpukhov, associate professor of Kharkiv National University named after Semyon Kuznets, founder of Kuznets Startup battle, Pavlo Sheremeta, Ukrainian economist, founder of Kyiv- Mohyla Business School, former Minister of Economy of Ukraine, professor of Lviv Polytechnic, Iryna Nenno, professor of Odessa National University named after Mechnikov, Natalia Ivankova.
The organizers of the School «Transfer of Technologies and Innovation: European Ukrainian experience» are the Department of Management and International Business and the Department of Administrative and Financial Management, Lviv Polytechnic.