On October 24, 2020, the Student Scientific Forum "Youth Creates the Logistics of the Future" was held.
The purpose of the forum: to launch the project of forming an ecosystem for the training of future professionals in the field of logistics and supply chain management.
The forum began with a welcome speech by the representatives of the Department of Logistics of NAU, professor V. A. Kulyk. and assistant Oksana Ovdienko, head of Marketing and Logistics Department NULP, professor Y.V. Krykavskyy.
Next, the attendees had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the possibilities of professional development and career building in the field of logistics and supply chain management thanks to various programs:
Vira Dobachevska - president of the Ukrainian CSCMP and director of the Kyiv Logistics School made a presentation about the Ukrainian representation of the Council of Professionals in Supply Chain Management and Youth Work Policy
Margarita Romanova — an expert in the field of supply chain and project management spoke on the topic "Professional certification as a key to successful professional activity in the future."
Andriy Alekseev — speaker and member of the Ukrainian representative office of CSCMP presented" Youth projects and internship opportunities abroad under CSCMP programs."
And after the presentations, there was an exciting debate between two teams!
Students prepared arguments "for" and "against" the following topics: "Smart — logistics — a potential competitive advantage of Ukraine on the global market" and "The future of green logistics." The basis for the discussion of the determining vector of the future development of logistics was the results of a survey of managers of the new generation studying at leading European universities. The research was conducted within the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module project "Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Dissemination of European Experience" with the support of German and Polish colleagues (in the spring, on European supply chain day 2020).
The purpose of the survey was to investigate the prospects for the development of logistics and supply chain management through the eyes of future specialists from EU countries and Ukraine. The obtained results were used by the team members from Lviv Polytechnic University in the course of debates — during the formulation of statements, arguments, evidence, shortcomings and guidelines for the future vector of logistics development in Ukraine and the world. Great emotions and excitement overwhelmed all participants, as the discussed topics are important both for the development of logistics and supply chain management, and for positive changes in the country's economy and society as a whole.
Representatives of the business, scientific community and those present at the Forum highly appreciated the level of preparation of the team members, their erudition and ability to conduct debates and defend their position with arguments.
Special thanks to the students of the Department of Marketing and Logistics — Vitaliy Kishchuk, Petryshyn Yaryna, Petryk Tetyana, Karina Prokopenko, Roman Synyshyn, Oksana Snitko, Iryna Flyk for their participation.
Section of Logistics and Supply Chain Management due to Erasmus+ project took place on the 13th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Marketing and Logistics in the Management System" (Lviv Polytechnic University, Lviv) and the 18th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems of Training Professional Personnel in logistics in the conditions of a global competitive environment" (NAU, Kyiv) with the support of the Kyiv Logistics School (KLS) and CSCMP.