The Science Park of Lviv Polytechnic will implement the new INPACE project from Horizon Europe

SCIENCE PARK of Lviv Polytechnic
Заставка до матеріалу

SID City Science Park, Lviv Polytechnic National University, together with partners received a grant from Horizon Europe for the implementation of the new INPACE project.

INPACE’s mission is to support the implementation of digital partnerships with Japan, the Republic of Korea and Singapore, as well as cooperation with India under the Trade and Technology Council through the creation of a sustainable and interactive Europe in the Indo-Pacific Hub.

The activities of the INPACE center will be organized in three main directions:

  • policy;
  • introduction of digital technologies;
  • promotion of key technologies.

INPACE will combine three levels of intervention: expert level, government level and community of stakeholders.

We invite everyone to participate and cooperate!