The project office of Lviv Polytechnic informs about opportunities from the International Visegrad Fund

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The project office of Lviv Polytechnic National University continues to tell about opportunities and grants, this time - about the International Visegrad Fund.

International Visegrad Fund is an international donor organization established in 2000 by the governments of the Visegrad Group countries – the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia – to promote development of closer cooperation in the Visegrad Group (V4), as well as between V4 and other countries, especially in the Western Balkans. (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) and the EU’s Eastern Partnership region (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine).

The mission of the Fund is to provide grants, scholarships and residencies that will promote innovative ideas in Central and Eastern Europe.

Citizens and organizations of Ukraine can participate in the following programs of the Visegrad Fund:

  1. Visegrad+ grants
  2. Visegrad Scholarship Program
  3. Studies in Open Society Archives

Visegrad+ grants must promote the development of target countries, mainly by helping to disseminate innovations and best practices of V4 countries with a focus on democratization, civil society development, political, economic and social transformation, good governance and regional cooperation.

More details you can find on the Fund’s website.