From April 25 to 29, 2024, Lviv hosted the next offline EU Study Days, which brought together experienced experts and motivated participants from all over Ukraine. The participants were 40 best graduates of the online school – schoolchildren, students and postgraduates from all over Ukraine. The school participants had 5 days of fruitful work ahead of them. Students heard interesting reports from experts and experienced researchers of European integration processes. In particular, Yaryna Turchyn, Professor, Director of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at Lviv Polytechnic National University, Jean Monnet Erasmus+ EUSTS and EU_LEAD project coordinator, told the participants about the European Union’s humanitarian activities.
It should be noted that EU Study Days is a project of the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine, which helps to increase the level of knowledge of Ukrainian youth – high school students, undergraduate and graduate students of higher education institutions – about the European Union, EU-Ukraine relations, and to obtain the necessary information in the relevant areas from key European and Ukrainian experts. The project promotes the development of a network of Ukrainian youth for communication, exchange of experience, cooperation and implementation of joint initiatives.
For more information on the EUSTS and EU_LEAD projects, please follow the link:;