Former soldiers study at Lviv Polytechnic as a part of Ukraine – Norway project

Press service of Lviv Polytechnic
урочисте вручення свідоцтв про додаткову освіту

Lviv Polytechnic National University hosted the solemn presentation of certificates for extra-curricular activities for military men of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, their families and ATO soldiers. The training is organized according to Ukraine – Norway project of the International Foundation for Social Adaptation and is sponsored by the Kingdom of Norway. More than 20 leading Ukrainian universities participate in the project that launched at the end of 2014. Lviv Polytechnic was one of the first to join it.

According to Mariana Zakharchuk, the dean of postgraduate studies at the Institute of Administration and Postgraduate Education of University, 42 former Ukrainian soldiers and members of their families became students of this course. They studied according to specialized program «English language and Digital Communications». All students are military personnel and ATO soldiers. Soldiers’ wives make up 10 per cent.

Celebrations took place in the historic Assembly Hall of the University main building. Vice-Rector for Graduate Education of Lviv Polytechnic Oleh Davydchak and the president of the International Foundation for Social Adaptation Volodymyr Rubtsov greeted the graduates.

The military attache of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in Ukraine, Captain 2nd rank, Hans Petter Midttun, said that during the professional retraining the participants received extensive knowledge and assistance in legal adaptation and psychological rehabilitation. The participants of such courses acquired new skills which they can use in their new job or start their own business.

During the festivities, which were also attended by the vice-rector on Scientific and Pedagogical work of Lviv Polytechnic Roman Korzh, the university folk bandura players ensemble Zaspiv performed the most beautiful tunes.


Photos by Yosyp Marukhniak