The Warsaw University of Technology hosted the conference WUT for Ukraine – Insights from NAWA Projects, which summed up the results of the two-year cooperation between Warsaw University of Technology, Lviv Polytechnic National University and the National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute».
The cooperation was organised by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA (Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej) under the program «Solidarity with Ukraine – European Universities». This is one of the forms of assistance to the Ukrainian academic environment to continue its activities during the war. In December 2022, Warsaw University of Technology, a member of the ENHANCE consortium, signed a contract to implement the program.
In 2023 and 2024, the Warsaw University of Technology organised 30 events for students, postgraduates, researchers and administrative staff of technical universities in Kyiv and Lviv. These include conferences, workshops, hackathons, summer and winter schools, as well as trainings and seminars for teaching staff and researchers. Over 250 representatives of Lviv Polytechnic took part in these events over the past two years.
The delegation of our university at the final conference of the project was headed by Professor Nataliya Chukhray, Doctor of Economics, Vice-Rector for Education and International Relations.
Professor Nataliia Hots, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Centre for International Education, Lviv Polytechnic, and members of the University delegation made a collective report on the topic «Results of Participation in NAWA Projects and Development of Priority Areas of Cooperation with Warsaw University of Technology».
Lviv Polytechnic was represented by:
- Ihor Savchyn, Director of the Institute of Geodesy;
- Mariia Malanchuk, Deputy Director of the Institute of Geodesy;
- Tetiana Bubela, Head of the Department of Measuring Information Technologies;
- Oresta Remeshylo-Rybchynska, Associate Professor, the Department of Design and Architecture Fundamentals;
- Nataliia Melnyk, Associate Professor at the Department of Software;
- Mariia Kirzhetska, Associate Professor at the Department of Business Economics and Investments;
- Anna Helesh, Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogics and Innovative Education;
- Oksana Puha, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages for Humanities;
- Oksana Ratushna, Senior Lecturer at the Department of History, Museum Studies and Cultural Heritage;
- Oleksandra Stepaniuk, specialist at the Centre for International Education, Head of the Centre for Polish-Ukrainian Cooperation;
- Nadiia Brodych, specialist at the Centre for International Education;
- Mariana Priadka, specialist at the Centre for International Education;
- representatives of the ESN student organisation at the University.
The events organised within the framework of the NAWA Solidarity with Ukraine project have become a powerful incentive to enhance and facilitate cooperation between students, postgraduates, researchers and academic staff of Lviv Polytechnic National University and Warsaw University of Technology, and have also contributed to strengthening partnerships between the universities of the ENHANCE alliance.
Main results of the project:
- promotion of further internationalisation of engineering specialities and training of a new generation of specialists – highly qualified professionals and harmoniously developed individuals;
- development of communicative competences of future specialists, in particular through innovative approaches to teaching disciplines and optimisation of the educational process at partner universities;
- promotion of the Ukrainian language and culture in the international arena.
Lviv Polytechnic is sincerely grateful to its Polish partners for their support, recognition of joint work and promotion of initiatives aimed at developing, strengthening and restoring Ukraine!