Mykhailo Honchar, Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee: «Currently, there are more than 10 thousand freshmen at Lviv Polytechnic»

Ihor Holod, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
Першокурсники Львівської політехніки

The admissions campaign at Lviv Polytechnic has not ended yet – additional enrollment for the available license places continues. The executive secretary of the University’s Admissions Committee, Mykhailo Honchar, speaks about its interim results.

– How many new students got enrolled at Polytechnic?

– Currently, 5793 entrants on the basis of complete general secondary education have been admitted to the full-time bachelor’s programs, and another 245 – to the part-time programs. There are also 313 entrants on the basis of a junior specialist diploma, and 117 to a part-time programs. There are 2,820 full-time master’s students and 669 part-time students. This is less than last year.

– The Unified State Electronic Database on Education reports that the number of entrants to bachelor’s degree programs in Ukraine has decreased by more than 30%. Is it due to changes in the rules for granting deferred admission for students?

– Of course. According to the Law on Mobilization, which came into force on May 18, the deferment is granted only to those who are applying for a bachelor’s degree for the first time. Since the new law does not provide for the right to deferment for those who are pursuing a second degree, there is no point in applying to universities for the second time. Therefore, this year, only those who will be getting a bachelor’s degree for the first time were enrolled in the program.

– Last year, Lviv Polytechnic received the biggest number of applications in Ukraine: 36,079 for bachelor’s degree programs and 13,252 for master’s degree programs. Has this year the number of entrants at our university decreased?

– Only by five or six percent. That is, we are approximately at last year’s level. The number of applications is normal. In Ukraine only the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv has more applications.

– How many students are currently enrolled in state-funded study and how many to contact form of study?

– There are 2441 applicants for full-time state education on the basis of a complete general secondary education, and another 83 on the basis of a junior specialist diploma. There are 1584 applicants for master’s degree programs. The rest are enrolled in commercial programs.

– Deputy Minister of Education and Science Mykhailo Vynnytskyi assured that «the number of state-funded places fully corresponds to the number of applicants wishing to enter educational programs in such acute shortages as physics and astronomy, aviation, rocket and space engineering, chemical technology, electricity, electrical engineering and electromechanics». Are there enough students at Polytechnic?

– Yes, there are. There are not many applicants for such specialties. That’s why there are enough places, and we have enough state places.

– Are there a lot of privileged students this year?

– There are a lot of them. More than a thousand entrants applied to us for a privilege. This does not mean that all of them will study with us – some of them just registered the privilege. We have applied for about 500 privileged applicants for additional places and enrolled about 700. That’s a lot.

– What is the geography of applicants? Which regions are the most applicants from?

– Two-thirds come from Lviv region. The most part is from western regions of Ukraine, from the Center and East – not so much.

– Did any applicants from the temporarily occupied territories apply this year?

– Lviv Polytechnic has an Educational Center «Crimea-Ukraine». Applicants from the temporarily occupied territories use its services. But only ten percent of them actually get admitted.

– Which University Institutes were the most popular among applicants during the admission campaign?

– The Institute of Economics and Management received 6,595 applications. The Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies received 5011 applications. The Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education – 4275. Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology – 3176. Other Institutes received less than 2000 applications.

– What specialties and educational programs were in the greatest demand among applicants this year?

– Our applicants submitted the largest number of applications for the specialty Management – 2362. Psychology – 1997, Marketing – 1508, Cyber Security – 1404 and Law – 1044.

– Has the demand changed compared to previous years?

– Last year, there were more applications for Computer specialties. And there were not so many applications for the specialty Psychology. This year it has increased. Instead, the number of applications for the educational programs Law, International Relations and International Economic Relations decreased. But there is an explanation. The Ministry of Education and Science imposed restrictions: it set a minimum competitive score, and, accordingly, applicants with low scores could not apply.

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