More than 100 ICTA students attended meetings with entrepreneurs and experts in the field of IT within the framework of the Tech Accelerator

Фото із зустрічі у Tech StartUp School

1st and 2nd year students majoring in the Internet of Things program at Lviv Polytechnic attended 8 free meetings with entrepreneurs and experts on various aspects of running a business and launching startups as part of the Tech Accelerator.

Tech Accelerator is a team of like-minded people working to support the development of IoT startups. Meetings bring together people from different professions and industries, as different perspectives can broaden the thinking of the participants and give a fresh insight into the business.

«The program was very rich, and the participants had the opportunity not only to listen, but also to work on their own cases, solve existing problems together with mentors and create a good plan for further actions», said Nazar Podolchak, head of the University Tech StartUp School.

According to the results of the event, 12 teams underwent mentoring sessions and presented startups. 3 winning teams received investments in the total amount of 60 thousand hryvnias:

  • 1st place: GrainMole – a device for monitoring grain condition;
  • 2nd place: FreeWalk – a smart cane for blind people that warns of obstacles with a signal;
  • 3rd place: Im2be – an application that will help to establish relationships in the family.

«Networking, meetings and mentoring gave our team the opportunity to look at the project from a different angle, refine certain areas and adapt the next ideas to real steps», commented one of the participants of the event.

Next season there will be more opportunities for the participants, so join us!

Tech Accelerator is implemented by Tech StartUp School in cooperation with the Internet of Things program at Lviv Polytechnic with the support of the Global Innovation through Science and Technology initiative (GIST Net).

For more details, visit the Facebook page of Tech StartUp School.