The Ministry of Health has approved a new list of preventive anti-epidemic measures in educational institutions for the quarantine period in connection with the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The relevant resolution was signed by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor Viktor Liashko.
According to the document, the responsibility for the organization and implementation of anti-epidemic measures rests with the founders and heads of educational institutions, which must ensure daily control over the implementation of measures, conducting explanatory work, development of algorithms of actions in case of emergency, non-admission to work of personnel in need of self-isolation, etc.
Admission to work of staff of educational institutions will be carried out while using personal protective equipment and after thermometry with a non-contact thermometer.
The Ministry of Health emphasizes that all employees of the institution must be provided with personal protective equipment at the rate of 1 protective mask for 3 hours of work. In this case, personal protective equipment must be available for 5 working days, in particular for 1 shift – directly at the employee’s workplace.
Resolution of the Ministry of Healthcare No.50 dated 22.08.2020