Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2013!
We are on the eve of New Year and Christmas.
Traditionally, before these wonderful and exciting holidays we remember major events of 2012. Why did we remember it? What good and useful did we do? How was it for our native homeland and our alma mater? Looking back, we can confidently say that we have lived the past year not in vain. However, in many ways it was complicated. We have lived a lot of dramas and joys but we became stronger! And this good and hard power paves our way forward. So year that passes was full of events, hard work, deep content and accomplishments. It brought us the joy of new meetings and discoveries, victories and achievements, a new professional and life experience. Despite the permanent crisis in the global economy, Ukraine has managed to stand under the pressure of its tangible impacts. We continue to consistently pursue and deepen the fundamental and crucial reforms in all spheres of life. The aim is to make a historical Ukrainian breakthrough in world economic and intellectual space, to become a full member of the European community. Our country has successfully conducted a large-scale sporting event the 2012 UEFA European Football Championship to which Lviv and the Lviv Polytechnic joined. The whole world saw that our nation is united when it comes to the prestige of our native country, the growth of its international authority. In fact the world discovered Ukraine in a new way, a lot of our foreign guests feel our hospitality and our openness, at last, our common European affinity. And we are really proud of it! Many pleasing changes occurred over the last year in the Lviv Polytechnic. We have outlined and successfully implement targeted program of level rise of its educational activities, deploy a wide range of research and development activities, most of which almost brought to mass production. Fruitful research made by our scientists culminated in several awards and distinctions. In 2012 we worked on issues of qualitative selection of student contingent, improving the structure of the university. Now 16 educational and research institutions, a number of other institutions and agencies work at the university. International contacts of Lviv Polytechnic got more and more objectivity and effectiveness of acquiring, thus a number of mutually beneficial agreements with foreign universities were signed and they concern students exchange, the development and deepening of joint research work etc.. According to reputable rating agencies, Lviv Polytechnic is constantly among five best Ukrainian universities. Next 2013 will be challenging. It is largely determining to the choice of Ukraine the main vector of its civilization development. In our hands the great, indeed, crucial chance to become a full-fledged European nation appeared. Now an extremely important task appears in front of us to deeply and thoroughly analyze the country traversed path and on this basis to give a systematic and reasonable forecast to go forward. And here the role of the national scientific and educational institutions and Ukrainian scientists is difficult to overestimate. Major accomplishments are achieved not by force but by wisdom and zeal! Massive in complexity and scope we face tasks in education. We hope that soon long-awaited law of Ukraine «On Higher Education» will be approved. I am sure that next year we shall be able to fully realize given to us the high status of self-governing research university, to raise the entire educational process to a higher level, strengthen and modernize logistics, radically improve the efficiency of research work. Look forward with hope, back – with gratitude, upwards – with faith and around – with love! I want to express such laconic Christmas wishes to the all Lviv Polytechnic. I wish next year will bring you thanks, happiness and love! Let the happiness of close trusting communication nourishes you and open new opportunities for its purification and spiritual content! Let us be kind and caring to each other! And let these holidays – messengers of updates, new dreams and hopes – bring your families harmony and prosperity! Christ is born! Glorify Him!
Rector of Lviv Polytechnic National University
Chairman of Lviv Region Rectors’ Council Professor Yuriy Bobalo