Within the framework of the cooperation agreement between Jan Długosz University in Poland, Lviv Polytechnic National University and the NAWA project Solidarity with Ukraine-3, and with the support of the Centre for International Education and the coordinator of the cooperation agreement between the universities – Zinovii Kohut, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Physics and Nanomaterials Science, the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Fundamental Sciences, Polytechnic students had a unique opportunity to take an international English test and, based on its results, to receive an international Pearson Edexcel certificate. This opportunity was used by both representatives of the academic staff and students.
Andrii Dziubin, Associate Professor at the Department of Management of Organizations, the Institute of Economics and Management, obtained one of the best test results.
– To obtain such a prestigious certificate and high scores I have worked hard and actively attended the English Club under the guidance of James Wilfrid, an English teacher and a volunteer from Canada. The club was organised with the support of the Centre for International Education. I wouldn’t have achieved such high results without this club. The certificate made me more confident in myself and my knowledge, and it would allow me to expand the horizons of international cooperation at our Department and create the preconditions for intensifying project activities, which will improve our educational process, including work with international students, says Andrii Dziubin.
Among the first to take the test were faculty of the Institute of Geodesy: Ivan Brusak, PhD, Deputy Director for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Yevhen Shylo, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics, and Iryna Zaiats, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor at the same Department.
– For me, the opportunity to take an English language test was very pleasant news, especially one of such a high level as Pearson. Frankly speaking, I have been working on improving my foreign language skills for a long time, as it allows me to study and publish scientific literature at the global level, interact with the best scientists in Europe and work on joint international projects. These are the things that a modern scientist cannot do without. I am glad that I was able to prove my knowledge of English at the B2 level, and now I have an official internationally recognised certificate of English language proficiency, says Ivan Brusak, Deputy Director for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, the Institute of Geodesy.
Students who took part in the academic online mobility program, which consisted of two microcredit courses and was implemented as part of the Solidarity with Ukraine 3.0 project, could also take the test and receive a Pearson certificate as an incentive for new achievements in their studies and the opportunity to participate in various scientific and educational youth projects. Among them there were Maksym Vasylyk, Daria Fesenko, Bohdan Fitel, Khrystofor-Yaroslav Khlibyshyn and Natalia Savchuk, a member of the Signal Hawk team that took third place in the international final of the VIII CASSINI Hackathon.
All those who passed the test and received the certificate express their gratitude to the Centre for Polish-Ukrainian Cooperation and the Centre for International Education, Lviv Polytechnic, which enable all active employees and students to participate in international mobility programs.