Lviv Polytechnic National University and Ericsson, a leading telecommunication company, signed an Association Agreement aimed at realizing joint educational and research projects.
The ceremony of signing the agreement was held on May 30, 2017. Lviv Polytechnic leadership and representatives of educational institutes dealing with computer sciences, information technologies and telecommunications took part in the ceremony. Sinisha Kraynovych, Head of Ericsson mobile networks developments centre, Andrew Shomahiya, Director General of Ericsson Ukraine, and Orest Kossak, Head of Ericsson R&D centre in Lviv, participated in the event on behalf of the company.
The agreement presupposes participating in joint research and innovation projects, which are of mutual interest for the University and Ericsson. Also, it is planned to support training research staff by creating opportunities for training students, PhD students and lecturers of Lviv Polytechnic.
Sinisha Kraynovych, Head of Ericsson mobile networks developments centre:
– Research and Development is the basis of our business. Due to constant innovations, we widen the horizons of technological opportunities for modern and future generations. We co-operate with a large number of universities in the world, and we are aware of the importance of local partnerships with the leading national educational institutions. The Association Agreement with Lviv Polytechnic National University will enable us to share our knowledge and experience effectively. We can see a lot of potential opportunities for our joint research and development work, especially in the spheres of Big Data, Data Mining and machine learning.
Yuriy Bobalo, Lviv Polytechnic Rector:
– Nowadays, under the circumstances of crisis, when the government gives very little money to finance Ukrainian science and education, signing such association agreements is extremely important, more so, when we speak about such well-known and powerful company as Ericsson. An important part of this agreement is about joint work of both parties in order to realize specific research and innovation projects.
In the past few years, together with such world companies as АВБ, ЕТІ, ІЕК, СВ Altera, Bosch, Fujikura and others, we have created a nimber of modern research laboratories, which can enable us to train qualified experts. Our research teams are working on dozens of research projects financed by international grants and programs, we have established a wide exchange of students and lecturers with European universities. There are a lot of similar examples of our efficient international co-operation in the field of education and science. And I think it is a very important factor for implementing European integration strivings of Ukraine.