The Italian Institute of Photography has announced a competition for Lviv Polytechnic students

Center for International Education, Lviv Polytechnic
Італійський інститут фотографії

As part of the cooperation between the Italian Institute of Photography and Lviv Polytechnic, an open photography competition for all students of the University has been announced.

Participants are asked to create a photo reportage/photo story about their everyday life using any type of device (camera, mobile phone, etc.). However, there is a condition: this device must be non-professional, that is, relatively low-resolution, so the photos must be of a relatively low resolution.

Each participant can send from 5 to 12 photos in one file, specifying the surname, first name and the institute to the contact person from Lviv Polytechnic – Orest Vasylko, head of the Leonardo da Vinci Center for Italian-Ukrainian Cooperation, Lviv Polytechnic, at the email address orest.r.vasylko

The deadline for submitting works is June 30, 2023.

The jury consisting of representatives of the Italian Institute of Photography and the head of the competition – Professor Alessia Locatelli – will select 4–5 winners.

After the announcement of the competition results, Professor Locatelli and a photographer from the Italian Institute of Photography plan to come to Lviv to organize a master class for the winners with an emphasis on reporting projects.

Otherwise, the author of the best project, chosen among the winners, will be invited to Milan in the fall at the expense of the host party for a photo exhibition with the opportunity to master the structuring of photo reports or to visit the Biennale of Photography in the city of Mantua in March 2024.

Learn more about the Italian Institute of Photography