On December 11, 2020, the team of the International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations, consisting of Deputy Director Oksana Piatkovska and Research Fellow Yurii Marusyk took part in the meeting «Migration and Civil Society. Research Presentation & Discussion». The event took place within the framework of the three-day Cross-Sectoral Forum «Social Dimensions of Migration: Challenges, Rights and Hopes» (December 10–12, 2020).
At the meeting, Institute employees described a typical portrait of Ukrainian activists in Europe, told why and how Ukrainian youth is engaged in civic activities, in which organizations or groups they unite, what challenges activists and their associations are facing, as well as what are the ways and tendencies of activists cooperation. The report is based on the results of the study «Youth Civic Activism of Ukrainian Migrants in EU Countries» conducted by IECDR in 2019.
Together with other participants, including Cedos analysts Oleksandra Slobodian and Liliana Filipchuk and representatives of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Lidiia Kuzmenko and Olena Turchyn, IECDR staff took part in a discussion of acute and interesting issues on the problems of conducting research on civic activism, the peculiarities of public initiatives in the field of migration, the role of public associations abroad, etc.
The forum was organized and hosted by the Cedos Analytical Center, the National Institute for Strategic Studies, Damo Rada Agency and European University Viadrina with the support of Patronto Acli, Federal Foreign Office, and Civil Society Cooperation.