The HUEC Department is a partner of the project «Capacity Building for Data-Driven Cultural Heritage Management in Ukraine»

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The Data4UA project was launched on November 1. It is aimed at improving the management of cultural heritage in Ukraine on the basis of data. This 18-month project, which will last until April 30, 2025, unites a dynamic consortium of partners, including the Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art, the University of Latvia as coordinator, Latvia, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Space4CC, Greece/Norway, and University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. The project is supported by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme.

The primary objectives of Data4UA project are to assess the measures taken by higher education institutions (HEIs) and society in response to cultural heritage emergencies in Ukraine, enhance the knowledge and skills of higher education staff and students in safeguarding cultural heritage, and investigate the role of higher education institutions in promoting societal responses to cultural heritage emergencies. 

Given the ongoing war in Ukraine, the Data4UA project is designed to support and strengthen cultural heritage data management, with a special emphasis on cultural heritage education and training systems. As war and armed conflicts continue to threaten cultural heritage on a global scale, digital technologies play a pivotal role in preserving and safeguarding these invaluable assets. UNESCO has underscored this fact in «Cutting Edge | Protecting and preserving cultural diversity in the digital era.» Data4UA focuses on European higher education staff and students, providing them with opportunities to expand their competencies, particularly in the realm of citizen-generated digital cultural heritage data and digital management training. The project includes a series of interactive learning activities built on a prototype model for enriching cultural heritage data ecosystems with contributions from citizens.

Data4UA endeavors to enhance the teaching and learning processes by integrating new technologies into the preservation and protection of cultural heritage. By employing innovative and creative collaborations in its educational activities, Data4UA emphasizes the creation and dissemination of comprehensive and well-structured materials and services, including online modules, webinars, landscape analyses, and citizen data collection activities. The project aims to serve as a case study for promoting innovation in cultural heritage education, reaching not only higher education but also a broader audience, thereby delivering significant added value across various levels, including higher education, cultural studies, and civil society.

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