A guest lecturer from the University of Szeged (Hungary) conducts a series of lectures for the Polytechnic students

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Sofia Bulyk-Verkhola, Associate Professor at the Department of Ukrainian Language, Lviv Polytechnic National University, had the honour of inviting international lecturer Iryna Bagmut to deliver open lectures under the Guest Lecturer program.

From November 10 to 24, 2023, Iryna Bagmut, a well-known linguist, Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences, lecturer of the Ukrainian language at the Institute of Slavic Studies, the University of Szeged, Hungary, gave five lectures for students majoring in Cyber Security, Management, and Architecture on the following topics:

  • The concept of WAR in modern Ukrainian literary discourse;
  • Semantic and functional peculiarities of war in Andrii Kurkov’s book «Diary of Aggression»;
  • Peculiarities of attributive names of war in Andriy Kurkov’s book «Diary of Aggression»;
  • Descriptive and metaphorical names of war in Andrii Kurkov’s book «Aggression Diary»;
  • Lexico-semantic paradigm of the concept of war in Andrii Kurkov’s book «Diary of Aggression».

The students learned that the concepts in the language of the writer significantly expand the boundaries of their semantic potential, acquiring new layers and replenishing fixed meanings.

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