ELEKS managers teach ICSIT students Software Development Project Management

Заставка із фото менеджерів компанії ELEKS, які викладають для студентів ІКНІ

ELEKS continues its cooperation with Lviv Polytechnic National University in the field of Project Management. The company’s managers are teaching Software Project Management to the fourth-year students of the Software Department, the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies.

At first, everything was as usual – lectures and practical classes. It was a good start, but ... a good manager knows that there must be a continuous process of improvement, mistakes must be rethought, and the wishes of customers must be taken into account.

So what’s new this year:

  • the course is built in the form of a tender;
  • students work in small competitive presales groups;
  • teamwork and making a real proposal;
  • work with customers;
  • defend of project proposals and selection of winners.

Why you need this course and why ELEKS joins such initiatives will be best explained by specialists.

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