During November-December 2023, as part of the implementation of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module project «Dissemination of EU practices through e-marketing, conscious consumption, circular economy, resource efficiency», faculty of the Department of Marketing and Logistics, namely Oksana Dovhun, Taisiia Nakonechna and Nataliia Mashchak taught an elective course «Implementation of initiatives of circular economy, conscious consumption, resource efficiency in enterprise logistics» lasting 45 hours for the fourth-year bachelor’s students at Lviv Polytechnic National University.
During the elective course, the students acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills to use the European experience of implementing circular economy initiatives, conscious consumption, and resource efficiency in enterprise logistics. The course included:
- study of modern trends in the development of logistics, the possibilities of using existing and developing new EU approaches, methods, models to solve current problems in the field of sustainable development, circular economy, and resource efficiency;
- development and practical application of modern concepts of sustainable development, circular economy, methods and models of resource efficiency and conscious consumption in enterprise logistics;
- modeling of the strategy of sustainable development of the company’s logistics and justification of decisions regarding the improvement of logistics processes through the implementation of the concepts of sustainable development, circular economy, resource efficiency and conscious consumption.
As a result of studying this discipline, students mastered the skills of researching initiatives of the circular economy, conscious consumption, resource efficiency of the EU and Ukraine and their implementation in the logistics of the enterprise to increase the efficiency of logistics activities and minimize the negative impact on the environment. The result of the elective course was the students’ defense of the projects on the topic of implementing circular economy initiatives, conscious consumption, and resource efficiency in the logistics of an operating enterprise. All course participants received certificates.
Erasmus+ is a program of international cooperation of the European Union with other countries of the world in the field of education, youth and sports, which aims to support the educational, professional and personal development of citizens of the EU and beyond in order to contribute to sustainable growth, quality of jobs and social cohesion, for the development of innovations and strengthening of European identity and active citizenship. The program supports educational and academic mobility opportunities in education and for youth, projects and partnerships, and the development of strategies and cooperation.