A strategic session of Lviv Polytechnic’s Supervisory Board and Rectorate took place on 13 January. At the meeting they analysed the current state of the University, identified the key challenges that Lviv Polytechnic faces, as well as opportunities for its development. Based on the analysis, a number of strategic initiatives were developed.
The participants of the meeting discussed the organisational and economic aspects of the University’s activities, as well as topical issues of management, resource optimisation and sustainable financing. They also got acquainted with approaches to the implementation of educational programmes and employee motivation.
Members of the Supervisory Board emphasised, in particular, the need to improve the management of educational programmes, as the ever-growing competition between universities requires the creation of unique and high-quality educational products to attract applicants and meet the current challenges of the labour market.
The discussions also focused on strategic initiatives that will influence the further development of Lviv Polytechnic. The session participants identified several key areas, including:
- formation and implementation of a financial, economic and organisational model that will ensure the long-term proper development of the University;
- differentiation of educational programmes based on their detailed analysis to determine their competitiveness and development opportunities;
- development of research projects in the field of DefenseTech;
- promotion of successful developments of Lviv Polytechnic researchers;
- widespread use of artificial intelligence in the educational process and management of the University;
- development of socially oriented projects at the University, work with veterans;
- development of leadership competences of the heads of Institutes, Departments and educational programmes;
- building an HR system focused on the development of educational programmes;
- working with values, including improving the University’s corporate culture.
– We see these strategic initiatives as steps towards improving Lviv Polytechnic. Of course, any changes usually cause a mixed reaction at first. For example, Polish economist and politician Leszek Balcerowicz once proposed reforms that caused resistance in society, but their implementation led to the growth of the Polish economy. I am sure that the proposed initiatives can change our Polytechnic for the better. That is why it is not only worthwhile but also necessary to make changes at the University, said Acting Rector of Lviv Polytechnic Yurii Bobalo.
While discussing the key strategic steps of the University’s development, the Supervisory Board members raised the issue of the importance of feedback from students, graduates and academics on the level of satisfaction with the educational process, work, etc. Therefore, representatives of the Supervisory Board proposed to periodically conduct surveys of students and employees on the level of their loyalty to the University.
As noted at the meeting of the Supervisory Board, motivation to study and work, as well as attracting financial resources, are essential conditions for the successful operation of Lviv Polytechnic. That is why it is so important to attract the best people to the University. This applies to both students with the highest NMT scores and top academics who are able to compete not only at the national but also at the international level.
Taras Kytsmei, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, emphasised:
– A successful university is made up of successful people. Therefore, the development and motivation of university employees should be among our priorities.
The results of the strategic session and the developed initiatives will make the basis for further work on Lviv Polytechnic’s strategy, which will be implemented at the University in the near future.