On 29th – 31st May 2018 at the University of Rome Tor Vergata held a Advancement & 2nd PMC Coordination Meetings of the SmaLog project, which is carried out as part of the Erasmus+ KA2 program.
The topic of the meeting was finalizing some important activities:
- Change from Master of Specialization to Master of Science.
- Definition of SmaLog curricula at each UA and GE university.
- Definition of upgrading of teachers’ skill.
- Definition of the process for joint/double degrees with Polish and German partners.
- Starting of the procedures for accreditation and enrollment.
- Finalization and starting of the procedure for purchasing equipment at PC universities.
According to the meeting participants discussed:
- Advancement of each WP: delays and issues occurred, solutions for going ahead.
- Definition of the procedure for accreditation of SmaLog degree at each partner institution and final definition of letter for Project Officer who asked us an updating.
- Definition of the agreement for Special Mobility Strand in order to verify the opportunity to support some hosting activities.
- Status of equipment purchasing.
The meeting was attended by representatives of Lviv Politechnic National University (Mykola Zhuk, Volodymyr Kovalyshyn), University of Rome Tor Vergata, Sapienza University of Rome, Zhytomyr State Technological University, LEPL Teaching University-Batumi State Maritime Academy, Politechnika Slaska, Institute Of Market Problems And Economical And Ecological Res, Hochschule Wismar, National Transport University, O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Georgian Technical University.
During the meeting, participants from Ukraine represented topic developed at Smalog partners related to Work Package 9. Dissemination and Exploitation activities of the project.