Cooperation Agreement is signed between Lviv Polytechnic and the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers

Department of Intelligent Mechatronics and Robotics, LVIV POLYTECHNIC
Фото з підписання угоди про співпрацю

On June 21, 2024, Lviv Polytechnic National University and the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers (SEP) in Warsaw signed a cooperation agreement. On the Ukrainian side; Professor Oleh Davydchak, Vice-Rector for Graduate Education, Lviv Polytechnic, Professor Andrii Lozynskyi, Director of the Institute of Power Engineering and Control Systems, Professor Mykola Mykyichuk, Director of the Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology, Professor Orest Ivakhiv, Head of the Department of Intelligent Mechatronics and Robotics, ICTA, and on the Polish side Prof. Slawomir Cieslik, President of the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers, Bolesław Palac, Vice President of SEP, Prof. Dariusz Świsulski, member of the historical section of the SEP, Zdzisław Stycznia, Head of the Rzeszów Branch of the Association, and Dr. Piotr Rataj, member of the Historical Study Lab, SEP, took part in the signing ceremony.

The agreement, in particular, provides for

  • facilitating the establishment of relations with Polish employers to provide student internships;
  • involvement of Lviv Polytechnic representatives in various projects aimed at obtaining financial resources for cooperation and funding awards for the best students, winners of competitions, and persons involved in the implementation of this agreement;
  • assistance in establishing relations with Polish universities to obtain double diplomas of completion of the first and second degrees for Faculties of Electrical Engineering.

They also discussed the possibility of creating joint educational programs related to countering cyber threats to energy facilities.

Since the beginning of the Russian aggression, the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers has been actively helping our country by providing various electrical equipment for the damaged energy infrastructure, generators as well as medical supplies for Ukraine’s defenders. This time, in addition to the 200-kilowatt generator previously received by our University, we received another 6-kilowatt generator and medical kits for the frontline.

The agreement was registered in the office of Professor Nataliya Chukhray, Vice-Rector for Education and International Relations, Lviv Polytechnic National University.

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