The Call for the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program for the 2025–2026 academic year is open now

Fulbright Ukraine
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The Call for the Fulbright Visiting Scholarships for the academic year 2025–2026 for Candidates and Doctors of Science, researchers and professionals is open now.

The Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program is a research program at US universities, research centers, libraries, museums, archives, etc. lasting from three to nine months.

The competition is open to:

  • teachers and researchers of scientific societies, educational and research institutions of the highest level (universities, institutes and academies) who, at the time of application, have a degree of Candidate and Doctor of Science / Philosophy / Arts;
  • researchers without a scientific degree with a complete higher education (specialist, master’s degree), with at least seven years of research experience and scientific authority in the relevant field of knowledge, with available publications (articles, monographs or chapters in monographs) in domestic and/or foreign (international) scientific professional publications;
  • cultural figures, artists, librarians, museum specialists, journalists and public figures with a complete higher education (specialist, master’s degree), with at least seven years of research experience, significant professional and scientific achievements in the chosen field of study (articles, monographs or chapters in monographs) in domestic and/or foreign (international) professional scientific publications.

In 2024, the Fulbright Office is accepting applications from applicants who continue to work in Ukraine, as well as those citizens of Ukraine who were in Ukraine before 24 February 2022 but were forced to leave the country due to the war.

The application deadline is October 15, 2024.

More information about the program