The Autumn School of the UniTECH project starts its work at Lviv Polytechnic

Department of Management and International Business
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Within the framework of the Autumn School of the Jean-Monnet Chairs «European technology transfer for Ukrainian universities» UniTECH, the first day of the School has ended. The guest speakers were Dr. Stephanie Kaudela-Baum from Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland, and Dr. Ivan Zupic, Lecturer in Entrepreneurship at Goldsmiths, University of London, UK.

Prof. Dr. Stephanie Kaudela-Baum is the Co-Head Competence Center Business Development, Leadership and HR, who has extensive experience in the implementation of consulting projects for business representatives, research and educational projects aimed at the development of organizational creativity, innovative leadership, flexible transformation and people management. The speaker dedicated her speech to the issues of developing innovative leadership in the era of digital technologies, in particular, practical tools for improving the competencies of an innovative leader, motivating employees to be creative, forming a culture and environment of collective leadership and creativity, and ensuring compliance with the psychological safety zones of the employees and the team in general.

Dr. Ivan Zupic offered the participants of the Autumn School to think about effective organization of innovative activities, which will ensure the maximization of profitability. Thus, during the lecture, the participants had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the Dominant design paradigm, mechanistic and organic structures and factors that determine the profitability of innovations and the role of bilateral leadership in the innovation process.

Students majoring in Business Administration, International Economy, International Economic Relations, Public Management and Administration and Innovative Activity Management joined the Autumn School of the UniTECH project. The School program was also interesting for postgraduate students majoring in Management and International Economic Relations, as well as for the faculty of the Department of Management and International Business, the Department of Administrative and Financial Management, and the Department of Foreign Trade and Customs. The Q/A session with the speakers was very interesting and fruitful.

We sincerely express our gratitude to the speakers for their time and professionalism and look forward to the next events!

This is not the end of the Autumn School, there are still a lot of interesting things ahead