The application deadline for Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program has been extended

Fulbright Ukraine
Заставка до матеріалу

The application deadline for the Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program (FLTA) has been extended till July 14, 2024. This is a nine-month internship program for teaching Ukrainian language (assisting American teachers) at US universities/colleges.

Beginning teachers and young professionals under the age of 30 who specialize in linguistics, Ukrainian literature, translation studies, communications, journalism, American studies, and English language teaching can participate in the competition. Applicants must have a master’s or bachelor’s degree at the time of the award of the scholarship (July 2025).

The FLTA Program is designed for young educators, mature in judgment, reliable, with the appropriate level of professionalism, able to successfully perform the functions of both a teacher and an assistant, easily adapt to a student environment with accommodation in dormitories inclusive, as well as to cooperate with teachers and employees of the guest institution.

For more information, please visit the website Fulbright Ukraine.