Academic mobility: a student from the Department of Information Technology Security, ICTA, tells about her semester in France

Department of Information Technology Security, Lviv Polytechnic
Фото з програми мобільності у Франції

Academic mobility opens up new opportunities for students, enabling them to study abroad, get acquainted with other educational approaches and expand their professional competences. Andriiana Marutiak, a student of the Department of Information Technology Security, the Institute of Computer Technology, Automation and Metrology, Lviv Polytechnic, shared her experience of studying in France as part of the Erasmus+ program.

From 2 September 2024 to 31 January 2025, Andriiana studied at the University of Burgundy (Le Creusot Campus). She was one of four students who were given the opportunity to study under an academic mobility program. The student received a scholarship that ensured a comfortable student life on campus. Despite her excitement before the trip, she adapted quickly thanks to the support of local students and teachers.

«At first I was a little bit scared to go to an unfamiliar environment, but from the very first days it became clear that it would be an incredible experience», says the student.

Challenges and how to overcome them

One of the main difficulties the student faced was finding accommodation.

«Finding an accommodation was one of the biggest challenges, but the administration of the Le Creusot campus helped us find a house where we lived for the whole semester», says Andriiana.

Academic process: intensive lectures and practical work

Andriana was enrolled in the first semester of the international master’s program VIBOT (VIsion and roBOTics). The educational process was different from the usual one in Ukraine. The semester consisted of two parts, separated by a week of holidays.

In the first part, students received theoretical material and completed the tasks independently.

The second part was focused on laboratory work and project activities, which allowed students to apply their knowledge in practice.

Lectures and laboratory classes were conducted in English, which helped to improve language skills and expand professional vocabulary. As part of the study program, Andriiana studied the following disciplines: Digital Signal Processing, Image Processing, Sensors & Digitisation, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Local Culture. Three of these subjects were re-credited at Lviv Polytechnic.

«The training was practical. A special emphasis was placed on applying theoretical knowledge to real tasks-solving, which helped improve my technical and analytical skills», says the student.

One of the key elements of her studies was participation in research projects. Andriiana worked on three projects, including Adaptive Filters for Noise Reduction. Her role was to analyse scientific research and process data. She also worked in modern laboratories at the university, where she had the opportunity to use the latest equipment and software.

Cultural experience and travel

In addition to her studies, Andriiana had the opportunity to immerse herself in French culture, communicate with students from different countries and travel.

«I visited Dijon, Lyon and Paris, as well as small towns in Burgundy. These were unforgettable trips that helped me to better understand European culture and French history. Seeing the iconic architectural monuments, museums and feeling the atmosphere of different regions was an invaluable experience», says the student.

An opportunity to expand horizons

The semester in France was an important stage in Andriiana’s academic and personal development. She gained new knowledge, improved her practical skills and made useful contacts that may be useful in the future.

«Academic mobility programs are a great opportunity for students to broaden their horizons, gain international experience and improve their professional competences. I recommend everyone who has such an opportunity to take advantage of it», concludes Andriiana.

Lviv Polytechnic encourages students to participate in Erasmus+ and other academic exchange programs. It is not only studying abroad, but also an opportunity to become part of the international academic community and gain unique experience.