The 4th International Conference «Innovative Technologies in the Development of Modern Society» was held at Polytechnic

Фото з конференції

Among the organizers of this event there are the Institute of Enterprise and Advanced Technologies, Katowice School of Technology, Kraków University of Economics, Bronisław Markiewicz State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jarosław, Tadeusz Kościuszko University of Technology, Higher School of Insurance and Finance, International Business College ISM Slovakia, Higher School of Security and Economics, Higher School of Security Management, and Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development, Polish Academy of Sciences.

The central theme of this year’s conference is the challenges caused by the large-scale invasion of Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine, the restoration of the state during the war and in the post-war period. In general, it was dedicated to the development of the economy, marketing, finance, and information technologies.

The introductory speech «General Approaches and Structures of the Recovery Plan of Ukraine: Regional and Territorial aspect» was delivered by Hanna Oleksiuk, Deputy Director of the Institute of Enterprise and Advanced Technologies, focusing on general approaches to solve the current problem. The participants of the event were greeted by Professor Oleh Matviikiv, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the First Vice-Rector of the University, as well as Associate Professor Yosyp Khromiak, Candidate of Technical Sciences, IEAT Director, head of the organizing committee.

The IEAT Director mentioned an important project that has been successfully implementing at the Institute for more than 10 years. This is the School-College-University-Enterprise program. More than 20 schools are involved in it. The effectiveness of the program lies in the prospect of finding a potential student when he is at school.

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