The main activities within the project


The main activities within the project "Logistics and supply chain management: dissemination of European experience" (Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module)

  • teaching in the first year of project implementation (2 semesters) the discipline "Basics of Logistics" as an optional discipline for students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education of all specialties of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic";
  • teaching in the second and third year of project implementation (4 semesters) the discipline "Logistics and supply chain management: dissemination of European experience" as an elective discipline for students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education of all specialties of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic";
  • International scientific and practical conference "Marketing and logistics in the management system" (work of the "Logistics and supply chain management: dissemination of European experience" section within the framework of the conference) — autumn 2020.
  • Student scientific and technical conference — 2019, 2020, 2021 (autumn).
  • Logistics Day — 2020, 2021, 2022 (spring).
  • Summer school in the format of Logistics Week — 2021, 2022 (summer).
  • Excursions — 2020, 2021, 2022.
  • Activities within the project

More information about the course "Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Spreading European Experience" for students:

As one of the links in the higher education system of Ukraine, Lviv Polytechnic National University, and in particular, the project team of the Department of Marketing and Logistics, is responsible for the realization of human values; education of youth; training of future highly qualified personnel.

Dissemination of information about values ​​and European experience of implementation of the best logistics practices within the framework of this course and the project as a whole allow to form adequate logistics thinking, logistics consciousness and logistics behavior in broad layers of civil society.

The course covers such topics as "Logistics - a tool of the market economy", "Fundamental principles of logistics", "Supply chain. The principles of the functioning of supply chains in the context of European integration", "Integration of logistics processes in supply chains: the experience of the development of logistics in the EU countries", "Logistics in the strategic development of supply chains: features of the development of logistics in the EU countries", "Effectiveness of supply chains: the best examples of European logistics practices", "Achieving competitive advantages by supply chains: European experience", "Prospects for the development of logistics and supply chains in Europe and the world".


The practical framework of this course consists of deeply understood practical experience of the functioning of European companies and their supply chains, which enables:

  • consider in detail the practical aspects of European examples of evaluating the effectiveness of strategic partnerships within supply chains;
  • to investigate the role of logistics in the strategic and tactical development of European supply chains;
  • to identify prospects for the growth of logistics activity of domestic enterprises and supply chains, including on the EU market and to investigate the impact of such growth on the regional and national scales of Ukraine.

During the implementation of the project, we use, along with traditional forms of education (lectures, seminars), also modern information technologies, which include video presentations, interactive testing, conducting open forums on the virtual platform of the Virtual Learning Environment (VNS) of the Lviv Polytechnic National University with subsequent placement on the website of Lviv Polytechnic University. This makes it possible to form network groups of different time durations, to reach a wide audience of listeners.


Details about main activities


77-th student scientific and technical conference at the Department of Marketing and Logistics

On October 15-16, 2029, a student scientific and technical conference (SSTC) was held at the Department of Marketing and Logistics. The topic of one of the subsections this year is devoted to the topic "Logistics and supply chain management: dissemination of the European experience" within the project "Logistics and Supply Chain Management: dissemination of the European experience" Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module, the implementation of which began this year.

A whole audience of interested people gathered at this subsection of the conference. 23 students presented abstracts of reports, which were published in the Collection of Abstracts of the 77th SSTC. The winners of the Subsection "Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Dissemination of European Experience" were:

1st place - Oksana Snitko, teacher - Natalya Mashchak

2nd place - Solomia Kovalchuk, teacher - Chornopyska Natalya

3rd place - Anastasia Mandryka, Maksym Shavala, teacher - Taya Nakonechna

Under the guidance of teachers, students revealed very relevant and interesting topics, presented their presentations in a structured and exciting manner! The organizers of the subsection are grateful to the participants and wish for further scientific achievements on this issue.

More information


Supply Cain Day 2020

On April 16, 2020, at the Department of Marketing and Logistics of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" as part of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module project "Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Dissemination of the European Experience" was held Supply Chain Day 2020.

On this day, the entire logistics community of Europe opens its doors to the general public to learn about the diversity of activities in the field of logistics and supply chain management. Business demonstrates its innovations, educational and scientific institutes present their courses, educational programs, and research projects.

This year, the Department of Marketing and Logistics is launching a pilot research project "Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Spreading European Experience."

Logistics is a leading industry in many countries of the world, a key driver of socio-economic development, a future-oriented field. That is why we primarily involve student youth in our research.

On April 16, 2020, on Supply Chain Day, we launched a survey of students in Ukraine, Poland, and Germany, focused on research and understanding of the key directions of logistics development in various EU countries.

The results of the research will be discussed at planned scientific seminars and conferences, and will also be available to the general public.

Event details: 



Excursion at "ROSAN-PAK" LLC

In March, we continued familiarizing the target audiences of the project with leading global and European business practices within the framework of our Jean Monnet Modules project "Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Dissemination of European Experience".

Students of the 3rd year of Lviv Polytechnic University majoring in Logistics together with the project coordinator, assoc. prof. Nataliya Hayvanovych visited the enterprise "Rosan Pak" LLC.

"Rosan Pak" LLC is a leader in the packaging industry on the Ukrainian market. The range of products includes about 500 items, the number of regular customers is more than 300. The company's products are sold throughout Ukraine and in many European countries, and raw materials for the production of products are supplied from various countries (in particular, India, China, Poland, etc.).

Our students on excursions:

• learned about the peculiarities of the process of manufacturing and processing/utilization of plastic packaging, about new, more ecological types of plastic used by the company;

• got acquainted with the processes of order formation, shipment, transportation and storage of plastic products;

• visually and objectively got acquainted with the organization of logistics in various directions (supply, transportation, production, warehousing, sales) and management of supply chains, where an important factor is the establishment of stable and at the same time flexible partnership relations with suppliers, carriers, customers, etc.

We would like to thank the director of the sales department of "Rosan Pak" LLP Yuriy Karpyak and the head of the planning and production department of "Rosan Pak" LLP "Rosan Pak" Skyra Volodymyr for organizing and conducting an interesting, informative, and meaningful excursion!

Event details: 



Excursion to the Lviv Brewery

Representatives of the project team "Logistics and supply chain management: dissemination of European experience" together with students visited the Lviv Brewery.

The Lviv Brewery was founded by monks in 1715 at the request of Count Stanislav Potocki. And since that time, the enterprise is a symbol of Lviv, and the brewery is called the face of the city, which represented Lviv worthily at all stages of its development. 

The brewery's cooperation with BBH Ukraine began in 1999. From that moment, a new stage of development began for the Lviv brewery: more than 35 million US dollars were invested in the modernization of the plant.

Also, the brewing technology is constantly being improved, the quality of the products is brought in line with the highest international standards.

The capacity of the Lviv Brewery is 231 million liters per year. The number of employees at the plant is 321.

In 2004, Lviv Brewery received a certificate of compliance of the integrated management system and environmental protection with international standards ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 1996.

Lviv brewery produces beer and soft drinks of the following brands: Slavutych, Lvivske, Arsenal, Khmilne, Baltika, Zatecky Gus, Kvass Taras, Rozmai lisovyi.

The students were given enough time, during the excursion they told about the logistics and production processes that ensure the continuous presence of products in trade networks, about the principles of the company's work and international experience, features of storage and transportation, etc.

They also demonstrated the peculiarities of the production process of brewing, introduced in practice the possibilities of its optimization.

Excursion at the bakery «Zhyvyy Hlib» 

The Department of Marketing and Logistics continues to acquaint the target audiences of the project with European business experience.

Representatives of the project team together with the youngest audience of the project - schoolchildren of LMR No. 18 visited the cafe-bakery "Zhyvyy Hlib"(the name means “Live Bread”), which recently won the National Restaurant Award "SALT" in the nomination "Best Cafe-Bakery". The founders note: "We create a high-quality and tasty product. At the "Living Bread" bakery, the most important things for us are naturalness and environmental friendliness. We use millet flour, most of the baking is based on sourdough, not yeast. We experiment a lot with flavors. We bake bread traditional for Ukrainians, as well as Italian and French."

The specialty of the establishment is the presence of its own bakery, which produces original bread and French pastries from natural ingredients, Italian flour and French butter. The final quality of the bakery's bakery products and customer satisfaction depend on timely coordinated logistics solutions in supply, production and sales. The attention of entrepreneurs is focused on high requirements for the quality of ingredients. All products of the trademark are manufactured exclusively on the basis of high-quality ingredients, which are delivered in a timely manner by proven and reliable European suppliers. 

During the excursion, schoolchildren got acquainted with the bread-making procedure, tasted the bakery's new bread products and listened to a lecture on the benefits of consuming bread on natural sourdough from healthy rye and wheat flour without yeast. In addition to the informative lecture, the "Living Bread" cafe-bakery prepared master classe -  "Gingerbread painting" - made of ginger dough and sugar glaze.

Event details: 



XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Marketing and Logistics in the System of Management " 2020

On October 22-24, 2020, the 13th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Marketing and Logistics in the System of Management" was held. The participants of the conference were scientists, teachers, graduate students, students of about thirty institutions of higher education in Ukraine, as well as universities in Poland, Germany, Slovakia, Estonia, Lithuania, Turkey and other European countries, representatives of business and authorities.

Section 1 of the conference: Logistics and Supply Chain Management was held as a part of the «Logistics and Supply Chain Management: dissemination of the European experience (610856-EPP-1-2019-1-UAEPPJMO-MODULE) Erasmus+ project. 

The Section presented reports by scientists from universities in Ukraine, Poland, and Germany. The participants discussed current issues of logistics in the conditions of changes, prospects for the development of logistics and supply chains. Taking into account the current problems of the modern economy and the need to generate innovative logistics solutions in order to adapt to rapidly changing external conditions, the main directions of the Section's work have become:

1. Logistics and supply chain management. Ukrainian enterprises in global supply chains. Logistics concept of using the country's transit potential. Implementation of the best European practices in Ukraine

2. Adaptation of logistics activities of enterprises to modern challenges of the global economy. Sustainable development of logistics systems in pandemic conditions.

3. The impact of the digital economy on logistics decision-making.

As part of the work of Section 1, an offline round table was also held on the topic: "Deregulation and liberalization of the transport services market of Ukraine."

Scientists, teachers, graduate students, and students had the opportunity to receive valuable information about the best European practices and experience in the field of logistics and supply chain management, and the wide geography of the conference participants will contribute to deepening cooperation and establishing closer ties with partners from other countries.

Participation in the conference by both representatives of the academic community and representatives of government and business will contribute to the formation of higher standards of education and training of specialists in Ukraine by introducing innovative approaches built on the synergy effect of education/science - business - government.

Details about the conference "Marketing and logistics in the management system":



Facebook events

Student scientific forum "Youth creates the logistics of the future" 2020

On October 24, 2020, the Student Scientific Forum "Youth Creates the Logistics of the Future" was held.

The purpose of the forum: to launch the project of forming an ecosystem for the training of future professionals in the field of logistics and supply chain management.

The forum began with a welcome speech by the representatives of the Department of Logistics of NAU, professor V. A. Kulyk. and assistant Oksana Ovdienko, head of Marketing and Logistics Department NULP, professor Y.V. Krykavskyy.

Next, the attendees had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the possibilities of professional development and career building in the field of logistics and supply chain management thanks to various programs:

Vira Dobachevska - president of the Ukrainian CSCMP and director of the Kyiv Logistics School made a presentation about the Ukrainian representation of the Council of Professionals in Supply Chain Management and Youth Work Policy

Margarita Romanova — an expert in the field of supply chain and project management spoke on the topic "Professional certification as a key to successful professional activity in the future."

Andriy Alekseev — speaker and member of the Ukrainian representative office of CSCMP presented" Youth projects and internship opportunities abroad under CSCMP programs."

And after the presentations, there was an exciting debate between two teams!

Students prepared arguments "for" and "against" the following topics: "Smart — logistics — a potential competitive advantage of Ukraine on the global market" and "The future of green logistics." The basis for the discussion of the determining vector of the future development of logistics was the results of a survey of managers of the new generation studying at leading European universities. The research was conducted within the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module project "Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Dissemination of European Experience" with the support of German and Polish colleagues (in the spring, on European supply chain day 2020).

The purpose of the survey was to investigate the prospects for the development of logistics and supply chain management through the eyes of future specialists from EU countries and Ukraine. The obtained results were used by the team members from Lviv Polytechnic University in the course of debates — during the formulation of statements, arguments, evidence, shortcomings and guidelines for the future vector of logistics development in Ukraine and the world. Great emotions and excitement overwhelmed all participants, as the discussed topics are important both for the development of logistics and supply chain management, and for positive changes in the country's economy and society as a whole.

Representatives of the business, scientific community and those present at the Forum highly appreciated the level of preparation of the team members, their erudition and ability to conduct debates and defend their position with arguments.

Special thanks to the students of the Department of Marketing and Logistics — Vitaliy Kishchuk, Petryshyn Yaryna, Petryk Tetyana, Karina Prokopenko, Roman Synyshyn, Oksana Snitko, Iryna Flyk for their participation.

Section of Logistics and Supply Chain Management due to Erasmus+ project took place on the 13th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Marketing and Logistics in the Management System" (Lviv Polytechnic University, Lviv) and the 18th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems of Training Professional Personnel in logistics in the conditions of a global competitive environment" (NAU, Kyiv) with the support of the Kyiv Logistics School (KLS) and CSCMP.

Event details:




Facebook events

78th Student Scientific and Technical Conference 2020

Traditionally, a student conference was held in autumn. On October 27, 2020 students presented scientific works in the Subsection of the conference "Logistics and supply chain management: dissemination of European experience" within the framework of Erasmus+ project "Logistics and supply chain management: dissemination of European experience"

Winner of performances among students: Karina Prokopenko (teacher - Mashchak N.M.)

Students of all courses prepared relevant and interesting topics on logistics, teachers highly appreciated the conducted research.

Event details: 




Supply Chain Day 2021

On Supply Chain Day, the 1st Logistics Hackathon was held as a part of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module project "Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Spreading European Experience".

The main goal of the 1st Logistical Hackathon was to find unique solutions to one of the most pressing logistics problems in the industry today - unprofitability of rail transportation of passengers in Ukraine. The students received this task from the General Partner of the event - JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia".

Students of different specialties and institutes of the Polytechnic worked to solve the problem and search for opportunities to increase income from suburban passenger transportation. More than 270 participants from 58 teams together with 1st Logistics Hakhathon mentors generated 420 ideas and selected 58 of the most interesting ones.

In the final of the Hackathon, 4 teams of students from 4 institutes of the Lviv Polytechnic National University (INEM, IBIS, IPPO, ITRE) met and presented their ideas to the jury and everyone present.

We sincerely congratulate the students of the "Northern Express" team (Institute of Telecommunications, Radio Electronics and Electronic Engineering) - Oleksandr Yatsyshin, Pavel Makogon, Andriy Pryhoda, who became the winners according to the results of the professional jury.

The participants gained valuable practice in solving logistical issues, studied European experience, and the best solutions created during the Hackathon have a high chance of being implemented. All participants practiced networking and teamwork skills, were inspired by each other's ideas, and successfully and creatively presented solutions.

The organizers of the 1st Logistics Hackathon sincerely thank all partners, participants, and guests for their active participation in the celebration of European Supply Day!

Special thanks to the Deputy Chairman of the Lviv Regional Council Yuriy Kholod, who during his speech emphasized the importance and necessity of rapid development of the transport and logistics system as one of the key factors of the integration of the Ukrainian economy into the European space, outlined the prospects for the development of the logistics industry in Lviv Oblast and emphasized the importance of cooperation business, government and education/science and prioritization of creative, innovative thinking. More details about Yuriy Igorovych's speech can be found on the page of the Lviv Regional Council.

We also express special thanks to the representatives of the General Partner:

• Mykhailo Ivanovych - deputy head of the technical service;

• Vitaliy Oleksiyovych - head of the contracts and logistics department;

• Lesya Zinovievna – the leading engineer of the wagon service;

• Zinoviy Mykolayovych - head of the separate (cargo) distance of commercial service and marketing.

The organizers of the 1st Logistics Hackathon - teachers of the Department of Marketing and Logistics Yevhen Krykavskyy, Nataliya Hayvanovych, Nataliya Chornopyska, Sofiya Leonova, Olena Pokhylchenko, Oksana Dovhun - wish students interesting events and breakthrough ideas in projects, success in their professional future!

Information is also available on social networks:





1st Logistics Hackathon. 1st Logistics Hackathon. 1st Logistics Hackathon. 1st Logistics Hackathon.

Summer School "Logistics and Supply Chain Management" 2021

From May 31 to June 4, 2021, within the framework of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module project "Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Dissemination of European Experience", which is carried out at the Department of Marketing and Logistics of the Lviv Polytechnic National University, the Summer School "Logistics and Supply Chain Management" was held ".

The main goal of the Summer School is to acquaint high school students with the field of logistics and supply chain management, the best European logistics practices, and the formation in students of a conscious approach to choosing the future profession

This year, the participants of the Summer School were the students of the European Lyceum of the Lviv City Council. The program includes thematic games, presentations, excursions.

Day 1. The event was opened by assoc. prof. Nataliya Haivanovych and Lyceum director Larisa Yankovska. All participants and teachers of the department of marketing and logistics met every day in a spacious classroom to learn and share their experience about logistics. Assoc. prof. Nataliya Chornopyshka conducted a meeting of the participants. Students shared their achievements and dreams. As part of team-building, assoc. prof. Oksana Dovhun conducted the Marshmallow Challenge game - students tried to build the tallest tower that would stand, generated ideas and defended their opinion in teams. And then the organizers introduced the participants to important terms and values ​​inherent in the European Union. Assoc. prof. Sofia Leonova conducted the game for guessing the main concepts.

Day 2. On Tuesday, students took on the role of logistics managers involved in international transportation and played the business game Business on the move under the guidance of associate professors of the Department of Marketing and Logistics Nataliya Haivanovych and Olena Pokhilchenko. This game has gained popularity in the logistics field with the support of many leading European companies as a model for studying business processes in logistics and supply chains, applying logistics knowledge and skills through solving various tasks. The players made the same decisions that real managers make every day in logistics on the European market. The students successfully demonstrated the ability to quickly orient themselves in force majeure circumstances, which affected the final result. The winners were:

• 1st place - Viktor, Maryan and Maksym;

• 2nd place - Sofia, Yana;

• 3rd place – Bozhena, Violetta, Daryna.

Day 3. Wednesday at the Summer School was also interesting. Students got acquainted with the basic terms of logistics in production (poka-yoke, kanban, kaizen, lean-production, just-in-time), and also competed to master these concepts in the kahoot testing system. Next, the participants tried to understand what are the unnecessary losses in production when working in a team and with limited time under the guidance of Natalia Chornopyska and Oksana Dovhun. And we ended the day with a pizza-making game in two teams. They did not make real pizza, but they felt how much it is not easy to redistribute roles in production, enter the role of a certain profession, control quality, understand colleagues, remember nothing and achieve the plan - to fulfill customer orders on time.

Day 4. On Thursday, students listened to lectures about supply chains, European practices of their formation, and companies that provide logistics services. For a better understanding of the processes, teachers Olena Pokhylchenko, Nataliya Hayvanovych and Sofiya Leonova played a supply chain management game with the participants. It is a role-playing simulation game that allows participants to experience typical supply chain coordination problems that neglect information sharing and collaboration. In this game, the supply chain is the prototype of any uncoordinated system where problems arise from a lack of systems thinking. Each student was in the role of a manufacturer, supplier or consumer to see how orders are formed and fulfilled in reality.

On the last day of the Summer School, the participants received certificates and souvenirs. At the "Logistics and Supply Chain Management" Summer School, students developed teamwork and critical thinking skills, completing tasks individually and in groups. From lectures and videos, students learned about the essence and basic principles of logistics and supply chains, taking into account European experience.

The organizers of the Summer School would like to thank the administration of the Lyceum -  director Larisa Anatoliyivna and head teacher Halyna Bohdanivna for their cooperation in implementing the event as part of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module project, congratulate everyone on a productive study, and wish everyone success in their studies and the realization of their ideas!

Information is also available on social networks:





Літня школа «Логістика та управління ланцюгами поставок» 2021 Літня школа «Логістика та управління ланцюгами поставок» 2021 Літня школа «Логістика та управління ланцюгами поставок» 2021 Літня школа «Логістика та управління ланцюгами поставок» 2021

Participation in the 11th International Conference on Applied Economics Contemporary Issues in Economy in Poland.

Scientists of the Department of Marketing and Logistics of the Institute of Economics and Management of the Lviv Polytechnic took part in the 11th International Conference on Applied Economics Contemporary Issues in Economy in Poland.

Participants from various higher education institutions of 7 countries presented speeches in twenty-one thematic sections of the conference.

In the section Management and value creation I, associate professor of the Department of Marketing and Logistics Oksana Dovhun presented the results of the study Formation of future logistics landscape: Ukrainian case, which was conducted by teachers Yevhen Krykavskyy, Nataliya Hayvanovych, Olena Pokhylchenko, Sofiya Leonova, Nataliya Chornopyska, Oksana Dovhun.

The work was carried out within the framework of the project "Logistics and supply chain management: dissemination of European experience" Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module Logistics and Supply Chain Management.

Event details: 





Future of Learning Design

On September 28, 2021 an interesting event took place in Germany - Future of Learning Design and out teachers took part in it. As team members of the Erasmus+ JMM project "Logistics and supply chain management: dissemination of European experience", аssoc. prof. Oksana Dovhun and аssoc. prof.  Hayvanovych Natalya shared information about the project and their experience of using digital technologies within the framework of the project. In particular, when they with other participants were teaching a course for students of various specialties, holding an international scientific and practical conference "Marketing and logistics in the system of management", Supply chain day in 2020 and in 2021, as well as excursions in online format.

The teachers are grateful for the invitation to the organizers of the VentureLab event - Mrs. Victoria von Rosen, Mr. Boris Bauke (Prof. Dr. Technische Hochschule Aschaffenburg) and the speakers. The experts from European countries presented their important experience, useful tips and opportunities for using digital technologies for effective learning in modern conditions, which is important for future practice.


Excursion to Concern Khlibprom PJSC 2021

In order to acquaint the target audiences with advanced European and global business experience as part of the Jean Monnet Modules project "Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Dissemination of European Experience", students of the 4th year of the Lviv Polytechnic ("Logistics") together with Nataliya Hayvanovych and Sofiya Leonova went on an excursion at "Concern Khlibprom".

"Concern Khlibprom" is one of the largest enterprises of the Ukrainian bread market, which produces up to 160 tons of bread, confectionery products and semi-finished products in the Lviv and Vinnytsia regions every day.

During the tour of the production units, our students:

• got acquainted step by step with the logistics of the process of preparation, kneading, baking of bread and bakery products, learned about the peculiarities of the technology of shock freezing of semi-finished products;

• got acquainted with the processes of order formation, shipment, transportation and storage of bread and bakery products;

• assessed the importance of using integrated information technologies to increase the efficiency of supply chain management, where a systematic approach in establishing partnerships with suppliers, carriers, intermediaries, customers, etc. is an important factor.

• learned about the specifics of training logistics specialists, assessed the specifics of requirements for applicants for vacant positions at the company, discussed problematic issues and received a list of cases as tasks to be solved and presented at the upcoming interview.

Gratitude from members of the project and student for informative and interesting excursion to the director of VP "CKV" Hrynyavskyy Ostap, the head of the warehouse logistics department Pirogu Mykhailo, and the manager of public relations Prusik Liliya.

Event details: 





79th Student Scientific and Technical Conference 2021

On October 22, the 1st stage of the 79th Student Scientific and Technical Conference of the Lviv Polytechnic National University took place, our student reports in the subsection "Logistics and supply chain management: dissemination of European experience".

Research of current topics in logistics and supply chains was carried out by students of various courses. Students prepared speeches for individual materials of the conference that were submitted for publication, in particular:

• Vitaly Kishchuk (MELG-21). Consolidation of cargo in international transportation. Research supervisor - T.V. Nakonechna.

• Tetyana Petryk (MELG-21). Logistics "anti-fragility": how quarantine affects the market of logistics services. Research supervisor - T.V. Nakonechna.

• Roman Synyshyn (MELG-21). Logistics of crisis situations: case-study. Scientific supervisor - N. V. Hayvanovych.

• Khrystyna Blyusovych (ME-49). The role of logistics in the conditions of a man-made emergency. Research supervisor - Fihun N.V.

• Olesya Shevchuk (MELG-11). The use of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) in logistics processes: the experience of Germany and prospects in Ukraine. Scientific supervisor - N. V. Hayvanovych.

• Maksym Popelyuk (ME-48). Prospects for the use of blockchain technology in logistics and supply chains. Scientific supervisor - N. V. Hayvanovych.

• Daryna Viktorova (ME-38). Logistics of flowers in Ukraine and the world. Academic supervisor - Kobylyukh O.Ya.

• Dmytro Kotsebchuk (MK 34). Innovations in logistics. Research supervisor - T.V. Nakonechna.

• Solomiya Kovalchuk (MELG-21). Environmental innovations of Nestle. Research supervisor - N. V. Chornopyska and other.

It was informative for both students and teachers to reveal the problems of logistics processes in modern conditions and to discuss with students who already have professional experience. Students demonstrated the ability to formulate the main theses of the researched topic and present the research results in a reasonable manner.

The teachers of the project team of the Erasmus Jean Monnet Module project "Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Dissemination of European Experience" thank all speakers and guests for their interest in the student conference and the project in general. We wish the participants inspiration for new research, interesting practical tasks in logistics and successful professional development!

Event details: 



79-та Студентська науково-технічна конференція 79-та Студентська науково-технічна конференція 79-та Студентська науково-технічна конференція

Supply Chain Day 2022 

Supply Chain Day 2022 was held on April 21 at the Department of Marketing and Logistics as a part of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module project (610856-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE) "Logistics and supply chain management: dissemination of European experience".

Every year on Supply Chain Day, the logistics community of Europe holds various events to acquaint the public with the achievements, development of logistics and innovations, the main purpose of which is to show the prospects of this industry. The war showed how important logistics and supply chain management are.

While military logistics provides a strong shield, civilian logistics should be a reliable rear. Wartime logistics is the theme of this year's Supply Chain Day 2022. The motto of the event is Strong Together.

The event was attended by representatives of companies and authorities, who shared their experience of managing logistics processes in a difficult time for Ukraine. In total, more than 120 participants joined the event.

The event began with a greeting from the head of the Marketing and Logistics Department of the Institute of Economics and Management of the Lviv Polytechnic,  professor Yevhen Krykavskyy, who noted that the department has been researching logistics and supply chain management since 1995, the third year in a row the event takes place within the framework of the Erasmus+ project. Today's problems, related to the impact of the pandemic and military actions, once again remind us of the extreme urgency of making optimization decisions in the all-Ukrainian and global dimensions in order to ensure a flexible logistics infrastructure, supply chains for adaptation to external threats.

Volodymyr Kvurt, the head of the permanent deputy committee on budget and socio-economic development of the Lviv regional council, also addressed the participants, who spoke about the ways to solve the pressing issues of life in the Lviv region in the current situation, about the challenges that the region had to face, and emphasized the particularly important role of logistics in solving social, economic and other issues.

Representatives of companies operating in the logistics market presented their experience of conducting business, adapting to wartime conditions, and finding new solutions, in particular:

• Roman Skochylyas - Deputy Director of International Transportation of DTEP "East-West";

• Mariya Mulyava – executive director of the GTL company;

• Maryna Melnyk – sales director of Raben Ukraine LLC;

• Sofia Telefuz – internal communications manager of the postal logistics company "Meest";

• Andriy Danyliv – deputy director for network development of JSC "Ukrposhta";

• Oleksandr Kamyshin – chairman of the board of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia";

• Oleg Smokorovskyy - head of the technical department of the wagon management service of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia";

• Lesya Stasyuk - leading engineer of the wagon management service of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia";

• Andrii Fedorenko – director of Lading LLC.

The work of the event was continued by a discussion panel, where all those present had the opportunity to ask questions of company representatives, discuss problems and opportunities inherent in the logistics market in modern conditions, and exchange current experience and practices.

The students' speeches during the second discussion panel were also interesting and inspiring. Students Nastya Kapushchak - volunteer of the Student Volunteer Staff of the Lviv Polytechnic National University, Marta Tkachenko - educator and volunteer in the organization "Plast", Ostap Nagirnyy - volunteer of the public organization "Volunteers' Hundred" and Khrystyna Pytak - graduate of the Department of Marketing and Logistics, volunteer in the organization Save Ukraine, shared the features of logistical support for volunteering in wartime, related to solving problems of organization, sorting and shipment of humanitarian aid, coordinating the distribution of necessary items and information support.

The team of the project "Logistics and supply chain management: dissemination of European experience" is sincerely grateful to all participants, speakers, as well as student youth for interesting and meaningful reports and active volunteer work.

We sincerely believe and hope that the topic of discussion at the next Supply Chain Day will be the reconstruction of Ukraine after the Victory and the role of logistics and supply chain management in this recovery.

Information is also available on social networks:





Логістика та управління ланцюгами поставок: поширення європейського досвіду Логістика та управління ланцюгами поставок: поширення європейського досвіду Логістика та управління ланцюгами поставок: поширення європейського досвіду Логістика та управління ланцюгами поставок: поширення європейського досвіду Логістика та управління ланцюгами поставок: поширення європейського досвіду Логістика та управління ланцюгами поставок: поширення європейського досвіду

Summer School "Logistics and Supply Chain Management" 2022

On June 6-10, 2022, the Summer School "Logistics and Supply Chain Management" was held as part of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module project "Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Dissemination of European Experience", which is implemented at the Department of Marketing and Logistics of the Lviv Polytechnic National University.

The main goal of the Summer School is to acquaint high school students with the field of logistics and supply chain management, the best European logistics practices, and the formation in students of a conscious approach to choosing the future profession. The summer school in this format will be held for the second time, this year its participants were students of the Lviv Academic Gymnasium.

Day 1. On the first day of the Summer School the welcome speech was delivered by the project manager - Nataliya Hayvanovych. Natalya Chornopyska conducted a meeting of the participants. Pupils of grades 8-9 talked about their dreams of becoming doctors, businessmen, architects, marketers, lawyers, programmers, managers and other specialists, about their achievements in music, sports, and other fields.

As a part of team-building, Oksana Dovhun held the Marshmallow Challenge game. Everyone was good at generating ideas and defending the opinion in the team. The organizers also familiarized the participants with information about the European Union. The Allias game for guessing famous people, values, capitals, countries, culture and traditions was conducted by Sofiya Leonova.

Day 2. Students assumed the role of logistics operators and played the game Business on the move. This game has gained popularity in the logistics field with the support of many leading European companies as a model for studying business processes in logistics and supply chains.

The players made decisions that real participants in the international market make every day. And on the market there are force majeure circumstances, competitors make decisions that can interfere with plans. It is important to fulfill orders and optimally use available resources.

Day 3. Wednesday at the Summer School was joyful and active. Students listened to the main terms of logistics in production (poka-yoke, kanban, kaizen, lean-production, just-in-time). Natalya Chornopyska also conducted a short test on the assimilation of these concepts in kahoot. Next, the participants tried to understand what are the unnecessary losses in production when working in a team and with limited time. Under the leadership of Nataliya Hayvanovych and Oksana Dovhun, they played a pizza-making game.

The participants experienced how difficult it is to redistribute roles in production, enter the role of a certain profession, control quality, communicate and fulfill customer orders on time. And also to observe order at the workplace.

Day 4. Students listened to a lecture about supply chains, European practices of their formation and companies that provide logistics services.

Next, the participants played several business games under the mentorship of Nataliya Hayvanovych, during which they practiced communication, interaction, and cooperation skills. This practice is especially important for establishing an efficient functioning of the supply chain and successful business in general.

Pupils tried themselves in different roles: sales managers, managers who need to improve the effective work of their employees, and representatives of companies who need to conclude profitable contracts for the purchase/sale of goods.

Day 5. On the last day of the Summer School, students with teachers Nataliya Chornopyhka and Sofiya Leonova went on an excursion to Concern Khlibprom PJSC.

The participants received certificates and souvenirs based on the results of the event. At the "Logistics and Supply Chain Management" Summer School, students developed teamwork and critical thinking skills, completing tasks individually and in groups. From lectures, videos and excursions, pupils learned about the essence and basic principles of logistics and supply chains, taking into account European experience.

The organizers of the Summer School would like to thank the administration of the Lviv Academic Gymnasium - director Lesya Yukhman and head teacher Nataliya Syrotynska, for their cooperation in implementing the event as a part of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module project, congratulate everyone on productive studies and wish them success and the realization of dreams! 

Event details: 




Літня школа Літня школа Літня школа Літня школа

Excursion to Concern Khlibprom PJSC 2022

Students of the Summer School held as part of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module project, together with teachers Nataliya Chornopyshka and Sofya Leonova, went on an excursion to Concern Khlibprom PrJSC.

"Concern Khlibprom" is one of the largest enterprises of the Ukrainian bread market, which produces up to 160 tons of bread, confectionery products and semi-finished products every day. The company implements innovative solutions, invests in high-tech equipment from Germany, Switzerland, France, and the Netherlands as part of the technical development program.

It was very informative, and we are glad that the high school students in the production units:

• got acquainted step by step with the logistics of the process of preparation, kneading, baking of bread and bakery products and with the processes of order formation, shipment, transportation and storage of products;

• assessed the importance of using integrated information technologies to improve the efficiency of supply chain management;

• tasted incredibly delicious croissants and muffins, as well as freshly baked bread, which customers of PJSC "Hlibprom" products in the USA and the EU also taste thanks to modern shock freezing technologies and the efficient operation of international supply chains of the fresh logistics sector. 

The organizers are grateful for the opportunity to cooperate with PJSC Concern "Khlibprom" and thank its staff for organizing and conducting an informative and interesting excursion!

Event details: 




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