Scientific and Technical Services

Scientific and technical services:

  • Search, synthesis and material science investigation of new complex oxide compounds and their solid solutions for application and innovation technologies;
  • X-ray diffraction study of the crystal structure and phase content, symmetry and parameters of crystalline structure, in particular, of new materials synthesized for the first time;
  • Investigation of the redox reaction influence on the oxide materials properties;
  • Optical and luminescence investigation of materials;
  • Magnetic properties investigation of materials and nanostructures;
  • Investigation of magnetic properties of materials and nanostructures;
  • Modelling and study of mass- and energy transport in materials and elements of devices of quantum and optoelectronics;
  • Modelling and investigation of interaction of electromagnetic radiation with dielectric materials;
  • Development of methods and techniques for material’s’ characteristics measurement;
  • Development of photometric and spectroscopic measurement devices and systems.
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