History of the V. Chornovil Institute of Ecology, Environmental Protection Activity and Tourism

The educational and research V. Chornovil Institute of Ecology, Environmental Protection Activity, and Tourism (IEAT) is the youngest of the institutes of the Lviv Polytechnic National University.


The Institute was established in October 2011 in accordance with the resolution of the University Academic Council on September 27, 2011 and by the rector’s order (№ 157-10 under date of October 17, 2011) on the basis of the V. Chornovil educational and research Institute of Advanced Technologies and Management and the Department of Ecology and Environment and Environmental Protection from the educational and research Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies. The main purpose of IEAT is to train specialists for such a high-priority development fields of science, education and economy of Ukraine as balanced management of nature, environmental protection, ecological security, and tourism economy.


The Institute is headed by Sc. D., Prof., Honored Scientist and Technician of Ukraine Oleksandr Moroz. Preparation of highly skilled professionals is conducted at 6 departments:

  • Department of Tourism (DT)
  • Department of Applied Ecology and Sustainable Nature Management (EM);
  • Department of Environmental Activities Management (EAM);
  • Department of Environmental Economics and Natural Resources (EER);
  • Department of General Ecology and Ecological and Informational Systems (GES);
  • Department of Environmental Protection and Audit (EPA).

Among 90 members of the faculty are 8 Doctors of Science, Professors, and 45 Ph.Ds. IEAT’s material and technical basis includes 8 computer classes equipped with modern technology and the Internet access, and specialized laboratories. The total number of students is 850. The IEAT students study in specialized laboratories and computer classes, gain proficiency in modern methods of research and analysis, seek educational grants (travel to Poland, Sweden, Germany, etc.), take part in the student self-government, in amateur performances in student academic conferences in Ukraine and abroad, in sports, are engaged in the scientific research under the supervision of the Institute scientists. Educational practices are held at the enterprises, botanical gardens, nature reserves, in the travel agencies, in the scientific and educational institutions, as well as in the excellent tourist camps in the Carpathians, the Crimea and the lakes of Shatsk.

Historical background. The main development stages

The institution traces its history back to 1947 as the Lviv Electromechanical Technical School. In 1963 it was renamed into Lviv Radioelectronics Technical School, widely known in Ukraine and throughout the USSR. In 1994 on the basis of the school the college The West Ukrainian Collegium was formed. Owing to the development of human, and scientific and technological potential in 2003 the educational institution became the Institute — first Western Ukraine Institute of Information Technologies and Management under the Donetsk State Academy of Management, and then — Lviv State Institute of Advanced Technologies and Management.

The Institute was named after the Hero of Ukraine Viacheslav Chornovil in accordance with the regulation of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in 2005. After all, there was a period in the life of the famous Ukrainian statesman related to our institution. When dissident was persecuted by the Soviet authorities, he could not find a job and worked for some time as a stoker in college.

In accordance with the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine under date of November 17, 2010 № 2109 “On reorganization of the Chornovil Lviv State Institute of Advanced Technologies and Management” and the order of the Ministry Education, Youth and Sports of Ukraine “On the reorganization of the Chornovil Lviv State Institute of Advanced Technologies and Management” (№ 1284 under date of December 24, 2010) from January 1, 2011 the Institute became a structural unit of Lviv Polytechnic National University.

After the Chornovil Lviv State Institute of Advanced Technologies and Management (CLSIATM) joined Polytechnics and was reorganized, the two new educational and research institutes were formed: the Institute of Psychology and Law (based on the law faculty of the CLSIATM and Departments of Pedagogy, Psychology and Law of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences) and the Chornovil Institute of Advanced Technologies and Management. Later, the educational and research V. Chornovil Institute of Ecology, Environmental Protection Activity and Tourism (IEAT) was established on the basis of the research Chornovil Institute of Advanced Technologies and Management and Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection and the educational and research Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies.

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