Major events of the Norwegian-Ukrainian cooperation


March 2016 — Dr. Tetyana V. Shapovalova, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Social Work, Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Lviv Polytechnic National University, was elected Member of the Board of International Fund for Social Adaptation.



March — April 2017 — Working meetings with the participants of the “Ukraine — Norway” project were organized in the cities of Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Vynnytsia, and Chernivtsi. 

May 2017 — The contact group meeting took place on further development of the “Ukraine-Norway” project with the participation of the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to Ukraine, the NORD University Professors, representatives of the Ministries and Departments of Norway and Ukraine, and representatives of Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv. 

May 2017 — The Third International Symposium “Norwegian-Ukrainian cooperation: Education, research and business” was held in the city of Lviv. 

December 21, 2017 — The Round Table “The «Ukraine-Norway» Project: The way to success” was held at Lviv Polytechnic National University with the involvement of the already retrained Project participants and Dr. Maureen Flaherty, Canadian professional in the area of peace and conflict resolution (University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada).



In the spring semester 2017-2018, at Lviv Polytechnic National University two academic groups were retrained:

February 20, 2018 — May 24, 2018 — 42 persons were retrained within the “English Language and Digital Communication” Retraining Program at the Institute of Administration and Postgraduate Education (Lviv);
February 21, 2018 — May 25, 2018 — 33 persons were retrained within the “Management of Small and Medium Business” Retraining Program at the Training and Consulting Centre of Lviv Polytechnic (Volodymyr-Volynskyi). 
In the spring semester 2017-2018, Dr. Lana Berglund from the Norwegian side took part in teaching the “Business Administration” discipline for the trainees in Lviv (March 19-21), and in Volodymyr-Volynskyi (March 22-23).

In the fall semester 2017-2018, during the period of September 20-December 20, 2017, one academic group of 33 persons was retrained. In the implementation of the “Ukraine-Norway” Project at Lviv Polytechnic, Department of Sociology and Social Work, International “INTEGRATION” Centre for Professional Partnerships of the Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences, and Department of Automated Control Systems, Department of Artificial Intelligence Systems, Department of Computer-Aided Design of the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies were involved.

September 25, 2018 — The Ukrainian-American Round Table “On the establishment of Veteran Services for combatants and their family members based on Lviv Polytechnic” was held at Lviv Polytechnic with the involvement of the representatives of Frederick Community College (Maryland, USA): Prof. Marshall Botkin and Ms. Rachel Nachlas, Head, Veteran Services.

September 27-28, 2018 — The representatives of Lviv Polytechnic Dr. Roman Korzh, Dr. Tetiana Shapovalova, Dr. Uliana Marikutsa, and Ms. Mariana Hasiak participated in the International conference “The Knowledge for the Development of Society and Business. The Norway-Ukraine Cooperation”, devoted to the 15th anniversary of the “Ukraine-Norway” Project. Dr. Tetiana Shapovalova was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine for her outstanding personal contribution to the implementation of the rights of servicepersons and their families, and their social, legal and professional adaptation to the conditions of the life in civil society, as guaranteed by the legislation of Ukraine.

November 22-23, 2018 — Dr. Olga Yermolenko from the Norwegian side made a working visit to Lviv Polytechnic National University and delivered lectures and trainings within the “Business Administration” discipline. The Project participants had an opportunity to learn about the Norwegian experience of applying innovative approaches to doing business.

November 23, 2018 — Within the framework of her visit to Lviv Polytechnic, Dr. Olga Yermolenko had a meeting with Dr. Roman Korzh, Vice-Rector for Research, Education and Social Development, and Dr. Nina Hayduk, Director of International “INTEGRATION” Centre for Professional Partnerships. During the meeting, the areas of the partnership cooperation between Lviv Polytechnic National University and University of Nord (Kingdom of Norway), and the prospects for further cooperation with Norwegian partners were discussed.

December 4-5, 2018 — Mr. Patrick Hagan visited Lviv Polytechnic National University with the purpose of monitoring the evaluation of the quality of the “Ukraine-Norway” Project implementation at Lviv Polytechnic.

December 13, 2018 — Mr. Boye Garder Lillerud, Military Attaché of the Kingdom of Norway in Ukraine, visited Lviv Polytechnic and took part in the ceremony of the academic group graduation under the “Ukraine-Norway” Project. The meetings with representatives of the University administration were also held.



January 22, 2019 — The presentation “On the development of a system of inclusive service delivery at Lviv Polytechnic” was made by Dr. Roman Korzh and Dr. Nina Hayduk at the Scientific Council of Lviv Polytechnic National University. The rational for the development of Veteran Services for Combatants, Their Families, & IDPs was justified, and the Agreement was adopted, which indicated the need to establish Veteran Services within the structure of International “INTEGRATION” Centre for Professional Partnerships at Lviv Polytechnic.

In the spring semester 2018-2019, during the period of February 27, 2019 — May 29, 2019, one academic group of 33 persons of the “Software Quality Control” specialty was retrained under the “Ukraine-Norway” Project at Lviv Polytechnic. In the implementation of the Project, International “INTEGRATION” Centre for Professional Partnerships and Department of Sociology and Social Work of the Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Automated Control Systems, Department of Artificial Intelligence Systems and Department of Computer-Aided Design of the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies, and the Institute of Administration and Postgraduate Education were involved. 

April 17-18, 2019 — Ms. Siliie Aacre made a working visit to Lviv Polytechnic and delivered lectures and trainings within the “Cybersecurity” discipline. The Project participants had an opportunity to learn about the advanced foreign experience in the field of cybersecurity from the Norwegian practitioner.
In the fall semester 2019-2020, one academic group of 33 persons of the “Software Quality Control” specialty program was retrained. During the period of September 16, 2019 —

December 17, 2019, the trainees attended lectures and practical classes in the following disciplines: “English”, “Operating systems”, “Fundamentals of algorithm building”, “Database organization”, “Building computer networks”, “Practical testing”, “Teamwork and effective interaction”, “Time management”, “Stress management and burnout prevention”, “Self-actualization in professional activity”, and “Business administration”.

October 25, 2019 — The Round Table “Professional, social and psychological adaptation and assistance in employment of servicepersons, war veterans and their families in Ukraine: Prospects of the interaction of the «Ukraine-Norway» Project partnership network with state institutions at the regional and national levels” was held at Lviv Polytechnic. The purpose of the Round Table was to unite the efforts of representatives of public authorities, local self-government, educators and practitioners of the social sphere and public associations of war veterans on the way of the partnership network development at the local, regional, national and international levels for positive social change.

November 25-26, 2019 — Ms. Iryna Roddvik, PhD, University of Nord (Kingdom of Norway) made a working visit to Lviv Polytechnic and delivered interactive lectures on the topic “How to be successful, given the current challenges?”. The Project participants considered the components of a modern, successful, prosperous, and just country, learned how to create a perspective scenario for the Ukraine-2030 development, and underwent some interesting testing. The Project participants also had an opportunity to explore successful cases, types of personal capital and examples of their combination, as well as to learn about Machiavelli’s theory of changing elites and consider examples of conducting negotiations.

2019 рік. Круглий стіл«Професійна, соціально-психологічна адаптація і сприяння в працевлаштуванні військовослужбовців, ветеранів та членів їхніх сімей в Україні» Випуск весняного семестру проєкту «Норвегія-Україна» 2019 року Закриття весняного семестру проєкту «Норвегія-Україна», 2020 року Закриття осіннього семестру проєкту «Норвегія-Україна», 2020 року Закриття весняного семестру проєкту «Норвегія-Україна» 2021 року Закриття весняного семестру проєкту «Норвегія-Україна» 2021 року Закриття осіннього семестру проекту «Норвегія-Україна» 2021 року Закриття осіннього семестру проекту «Норвегія-Україна» 2021 року Міжнародна конференція «Регіональні аспекти впровадження механізмів соціальної і професійної адаптації військовослужбовців, ветеранів війни та членів їхній сімей», 2021 рік Міжнародна конференція «Регіональні аспекти впровадження механізмів соціальної і професійної адаптації військовослужбовців, ветеранів війни та членів їхній сімей», 2021 рік Міжнародна конференція «Регіональні аспекти впровадження механізмів соціальної і професійної адаптації військовослужбовців, ветеранів війни та членів їхній сімей», 2021 рік

Основні події проєкту "Норвегія-Україна" протягом 2019-2021 року

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