The Third World Forum of Ukrainian Studies Saturday and Sunday Schools at Lviv Polytechnic

Афіша форуму

The International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations invites you to the Third World Forum of Ukrainian Studies Saturday and Sunday Schools, which will be held at Lviv Polytechnic National University on August 21–23, 2024.

This is an event that is held to unite everyone who cares about the Ukrainian language and Ukrainian education in the world. It is a communication platform that aims to find answers to the challenges faced by the Ukrainian educational community abroad in connection with a full-scale war and mass emigration of Ukrainians.

This event is organized for educators from Ukraine and abroad, practitioners and scientists, representatives of the authorities and Ukrainian cultural centers abroad, public figures, and everyone who is interested in the issues of Ukrainian education abroad.

The Forum will feature:

  • 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference «Ukrainian Language in the World» (panel discussions, speech of a special guest, round tables);
  • laboratories of creative ideas;
  • world cafes and presentations.

The participants of the event will discuss

  • decolonization of Ukrainian education abroad;
  • teaching subjects of the Ukrainian studies cycle;
  • Ukrainian school education abroad after February 24, 2022;
  • Ukrainian language in the world today;
  • vision of the future of the Ukrainian language in the world.

To participate in this event, you must register till May 31, 2024.

Contact persons:

  • Oksana Horda (mobile phone: +380671390569 / work phone: +380322580151 / e-mail:;
  • Oksana Trumko (mobile phone: +380674542162 / work phone: +380322580151 / e-mail: