The second Algorithmic Leo Camp 2022

Фрагмент афіші заходу

Algotester automatic testing and sports programming competition platform together with Lviv Polytechnic National University invite schoolchildren and student teams of 2–3 people to participate in the second Lviv algorithmic camp Algorithmic Leo Camp 2022. The event will take place from August 1 to 6, 2022.

To register a team, you need to fill out a registration form (one per team). After that, the organizers will contact the captain to agree on accommodation, food and payment of the organization fee.

The opening of the camp will take place on Monday, August 1, in the room 217 in the first academic building of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Beginning at 10:00.

When there is an air-raid siren, the competition or other camp events will be suspended and all participants must immediately proceed to the shelter provided at the venue.

For more details, visit the organizers’ website