Interactive event within the EUSTS project to share experience with the faculty of Dnipro Polytechnic

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On October 4, 2024, the European Studies for Technical Specialties at Lviv Polytechnic National University (EUSTS) project, with the support of the European Union’s Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Program, will host an online interactive event «Dissemination of Best Practices in Teaching European Studies and Creation of Interdisciplinary Programs in Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine: Exchange of Experience». The event is organized by the team of the Educational and Research Center «European Studies for Technical Specialties» at Lviv Polytechnic together with the faculty of the National Technical University Dnipro Polytechnic, Dnipro.

The following speakers will share their experience and vision of implementing European studies and studying EU law and values:

  • Professor Yaryna Turchyn, Doctor of Political Science, EUSTS Project Manager, Chairman of the Jean Monnet Chair in European Studies for Technical Students at Lviv Polytechnic National University, Director of the Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences;
  • Associate Professor Oleksandr Rudik, Doctor of Political Science, the Department of History and Political Theory, National Technical University Dnipro Polytechnic;
  • Associate Professor Nataliia Vovk, Candidate of Historical Sciences, EUSTS project participant, the Department of Social Communications and Information Activities, Lviv Polytechnic;
  • Professor Anastasiia Kravets, Doctor of Political Science, the Department of History and Political Theory, Dnipro Polytechnic;
  • Associate Professor Olena Lukachuk, Innovation Hub mentor, EUSTS project participant, the Department of Political Science and International Relations, IHSS.

The practical part of the event with the use of interactive teaching methods to form knowledge about the EU as a responsible global actor in the modern system of international relations for students of the National Technical University Dnipro Polytechnic in Dnipro will be conducted by trainers in teaching methods, EUSTS project participants, Associate Professors of the Department of Political Science and International Relations Olha Ivasechko and Oleh Tsebenko. Associate Professors Oleksandr Markovets, the Department of Social Communications and Information Activities, IHSS, Lidiia Kasha, the Department of Electromechatronics and Computerized Electromechanical Systems, IPEC), and Iryna Sukhorolska, the Department of Political Science and International Relations, IHSS, also joined the organization of the event.

Everyone interested in the development of European studies in higher education institutions is invited to participate in the event. The beginning is at 10:00.

More information about EUSTS can be found on the project website on the Lviv Polytechnic Portal.