Charity concert of the Gaudeamus National Students’ Choir in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Фрагмент афіші заходу

The Gaudeamus National Students’ Choir, Lviv Polytechnic, prepared a concert called Bohemian Rhapsody in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. All collected funds will be transferred to the needs of the 36th Separate Marine Brigade, the Ukrainian Navy.

The concert will feature the best hits of Imagine Dragons, Billie Eilish, Sam Smith, Celine Dion, Britney Spears, Sting, Lady Gaga, Queen and other world-famous musicians.

Gaudeamus will be accompanied by a pop band, which includes percussion instruments, a bass guitar, an electric guitar, a synthesizer, a piano, as well as a brass band – two trumpets, two saxophones, and a trombone.

The soloists of the concert will be Lviv vocalists Viktoria Yashchenko, Davyd Meladze, Yaroslava Lipkovska, Ihor Hutsailiuk, and the Golosni duet. The presenter is the always positive and smiling Oleh Pryhoda.

The event will take place on December 7, 2022 in the I academic building of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Beginning at 18:00.