5th International Conference on the Innovative Technologies in the Development of Modern Society

Заставка конференції

The 5th International Conference on the Innovative Technologies in the Development of Modern Society will be held at the Institute of Enterprise and Advanced Technologies, Lviv Polytechnic National University, on October 5–6, 2023. It is dedicated to the current issues of the development of information technologies in today’s conditions of uncertainty.

Conference sections:

  1. Innovative IT technologies.
  2. Innovations in Economics, Finance, and Marketing.
  3. Socio-humanitarian development of the information society under martial law

Scientists, academic staff, students, doctoral students, specialists in innovative and information technologies in various spheres of modern society are invited to participate in the conference.

The deadline for abstract submission is September 30, 2023.

Detailed information about the event and material requirements are in the call for papers.