2nd All-Ukrainian Conference «Problems with traffic flows and ways of solving them»

Institute of Engineering Mechanics and Transport of Lviv Polytechnic National University is inviting those working in the field of automobile transport to take part in the 2nd All-Ukrainian Scientific and Theoretical Conference «Problems with traffic flows and ways of solving them», which is to be held on March 16–18, 2017.

Conference topics:

  • Developing a complex of technical means for the development and efficient use of elements of transport systems;
  • Regularities of the demand for transport services; formation of freight and passenger traffic flows;
  • Methods, technologies and technical means in the field of transport;
  • Efficiency and management of transport systems development;
  • Transport logistics and management; interaction of different means of transport;
  • Transport planning of urban spaces; complex transport schemes;
  • Traffic flows and traffic organization systems;
  • Traffic safety and ecological characteristics of traffic flows;
  • Psychophysiological principles and reliability of driver’s work.

To take part in the conference, you need to send your application and theses of the report (electronic variants in Ukrainian or in English) to the e-mail address of the organising committee bojkiv.mykola@gmail.com by March 1, 2017.

The price of publication:

  • Publishing report theses in the collection of articles – 50 hrn (without VAT) for one А4 page;
  • Publishing an article in a journal – 200 hrn (articles of the participants who made reports at the Conference meetings are to be published), publication is free for Lviv Polytechnic staff ;
  • Conference fee (only for the participants present at the Conference) – 150 hrn.
  • Sending the collection of conference articles by post is to be paid by the receiver additionally.

Payment is to be made after the approval of the organizing committee.

Organizing committee address:

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Engineering Mechanics and Transport, Department of Transport Technologies,
room 208, Stepan Bandera str., Lviv 79013,
tel.: (032) 258-24-89; (032) 258-26-59,
e-mail: bojkiv.mykola@gmail.com.

Invitation to the Conference: page 1, page 2.