Establishment of quarantine and implementation of enhanced anti-epidemic measures

According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of July 20, 2020 № 641 "On the establishment of quarantine and implementation of enhanced anti-epidemic measures in areas with significant spread of acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus" and the resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Ukraine of July 30, 2020 № 42 "On approval of the Interim Recommendations on the organization of anti-epidemic measures in educational institutions during quarantine in connection with the spread of crown viral disease (COVID-19)" and the Order of the Rector of Lviv Polytechnic National University of August 20, 2020 № 403-1-10 "On conducting classes for students in the autumn semester of 2020/2021 academic year" training sessions in the autumn semester of 2020/2021 academic year to be carried out with observance of anti-epidemic restrictions, depending on an epidemic situation, namely:

  • at the established level of epidemic danger "green" or "yellow" - to conduct all classes in certain classrooms of educational buildings of the university;
  • at the established level of epidemic danger "orange" practical and laboratory classes to be held in certain classrooms of the university, lectures online in the form of "videoconference", if the discipline is studied by only one group of students, lectures are allowed in certain classrooms of the university;
  • at the established level of epidemic danger "red" - to carry out all classes in the form of video conferences.

Start of training sessions:

  • for students of bachelor's level - from 28.09.2020;
  • for students of master's level - from 01.10.2020.

Requirements for foreigners to stay in university under quarantine:

  1. Foreigners and stateless persons are allowed to come to the university on a business trip provided that they have an insurance policy (certificate) issued by an insurance company registered in Ukraine or a foreign insurance company with a representative office in Ukraine or a contractual relationship with an insurance company. - a partner on the territory of Ukraine (assistance), and covers the costs associated with the treatment of COVID-19, observation, and is valid for the period of stay in Ukraine.
  2. This requirement does not apply to foreigners, stateless persons permanently residing in Ukraine. This also doesn’t apply to employees of diplomatic missions and consular posts of foreign states, representations of official international missions, organizations accredited in Ukraine, and members of their families, and servicemen of the armed forces of NATO member states.
  3. Individuals who come from the country or are citizens of countries with a high prevalence of COVID-19 are subject to self-isolation. They are obliged to install and activate the mobile application "Act at home", and in case of impossibility of its use - to leave for observation.
  4. Self-isolation, observation of a person who came from the country or is a citizen of the country with a significant prevalence of COVID-19, is terminated if he receives a negative PCR test for COVID-19, which was conducted after crossing the state border or no later than 48 hours before crossing.
  5. If a person who came from abroad during a business trip shows symptoms of ARD - cough, body temperature rises to 37.1 ° C or more, he must stop working, notify the person responsible for his stay at the university and go to the place of the residence. Before going to the medical institution, one must inform the insurance company about the case of illness and follow its recommendations.
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