1. Scientific interests: ecosystem services, climate change adaptation technologies, information technologies in ecology, landscape complexes, life cycle analysis, food safety.
2. Teaching courses: «Environmental safety», «Technologies of adaptation to climate change», «Ecology of urban systems», «Ecology», «Fundamentals of environmental control of industrial production», «Methods and models of managerial decision-making»; «Fundamentals of environmentally safe technologies» & «Environmental inspection».
3. Professional profile: Environmental protection technologies (educational and scientific program), guarantor, developer http://directory.lpnu.ua/ua/majors/ISD/ and Applied ecology and balanced nature management (educational and professional program), guarantor, developer http://directory.lpnu.ua/majors/ISD/
Member of the State Examination Commission for specialty 183 «Environmental Protection Technologies».
4. Projects: Member of the EUA Green Deal task-and-finish group https://lpnu.ua/news/vykladachka-instytutu-staloho-rozvytku-im-v-chornovola-uviishla-do-robochoi-hrupy-eua-green; expert in the Project on the assessment of the ecological footprint of products (ESP) within the framework of the implementation of the component «Circular economy and new growth opportunities» of the program «European Union for the Environment» (EU4Environment) http://www.recpc.org/programa-yevropejskij-soyuz-dlya -dovkillya-eu4environment-v-ukra%D1%97ni/; project participant «LIFE MERCURY-FREE» https://lpnu.ua/life-mercury-free; project manager «Technology of construction of an autonomous fast-assembled modular wooden building with CPC-carpentry joints and its monitoring in real environmental conditions» https://lpnu.ua/kliima; responsible executor of the state-budget research work «Complex operational monitoring of technogenically hazardous accumulated industrial waste of mining and chemical enterprises as a guarantee of national security» (DB/TNV, 2021-2022); researcher of the National Research Fund of Ukraine, competition: «Science for the reconstruction of Ukraine in the war and post-war periods», on the topic: «Assessment and forecasting of threats to the reconstruction and sustainable functioning of critical infrastructure objects», registration number 0123U103529 (2022.01 / 00009).
In the project, Jean Monet is the coordinator, member of the teaching staff, and organizer of the event

1. Scientific interests: ecosystem services, climate change adaptation technologies, the impact of transport technologies on ecological systems, information technologies in transport, and sustainable mobility.
2. Teaching courses: «Fundamentals of the theory of transport processes and systems», «Transport Geography», & «Organization of transport process control».
3. Professional profile: coordinator of the Center for International Education Lviv Polytechnic National University; responsible person for international cooperation and Internships in the Transport Technology Department.
4. Projects:
Participant of Erasmus KA1 academic mobility programs.
In the project, Jean Monet is a member of the teaching staff and the events organizer

1. Scientific interests: methods and means of increasing the environmental safety of man-made objects in the regions, technologies for adaptation to climate change, food safety.
2. Teaching courses: «Rationing of anthropogenic load environmental», «Technologies of protection of hydrosphere and atmosphere», «Introduction to the profession», «Intellectual Property», «Technology of processing and disposal of waste» & «Operational environmental monitoring».
3. Professional profile:
Member of the State Examination Commission for specialty 183 «Environmental Protection Technologies»;
Participant of the Interdisciplinary Studies «European Green Dimensions» within the framework of the Erasmus + Jean Monnet EU Project, Black Sea National University named after Petro Mohyla, Mykolaiv, 2023;
International Environmental School «Visegrad-Ukrainian Dialogues on Sustainable Development and Climate Change», Black Sea National University named after Petro Mohyla, Mykolaiv, from September 7, 2022 to September 8, 2022, Certificate of advanced training.
4. Projects: Executor of the state-budget research work «Complex operational monitoring of technogenically hazardous accumulated industrial waste of mining and chemical enterprises as a guarantee of national security» (DB/TNV, 2021-2022).
In the project, Jean Monet is a member of the teaching staff and the events organizer

1. Scientific interests: ecosystem services, environmental safety of production technologies, ecology, and neoecology, recycling technologies, etc.
2. Teaching courses: «Environmental safety of production technology», «Ecology and neoecology», «Communal waste recycling technologies», «Environmental audit», «Airport environmental protection», «Environmental ecology», «Landscape ecology» & «Drinking water purification technologies».
3. Professional profile: Has 80 publications, including 3 manuals, 11 dictionaries, and 5 publications in periodicals, included in the scientometric databases Scopus or Web of Science. Received the Oxford Online Placement Test certificate (English language, C1), which confirms a sufficiently high level of English language proficiency, in 2022. Received advanced training in Ukraine – NU Odesa Law Academy (05/03/2022 – 06/13/2022).
4. Projects: executor of the project «Technology of construction of an autonomous fast-assembled modular wooden building with CPC-carpentry joints and its monitoring in real environmental conditions» https://lpnu.ua/kliima
In the project, Jean Monet is a member of the teaching staff and a PR manager