Students Research

Science starts with students. Department of Architectural Design involves students in science activities when they are freshmen: participation in professional and student conferences, scientific seminars and workshops. Students present their projects at exhibitions organized by National Union of Architects, Ukrainian Academy of Architecture, Public Administration, private companies, international organizations. The best graduation projects are presented at the annual international review competitions of the graduates projects of Ukrainian architectural schools in various categories.

The best senior and graduate students have an opportunity to improve their professional training in foreign universities on an annual basis: in Austria (Vienna), Germany (Munich), in cooperation with foreign students and under the direction of famous professors they regularly participate in various workshops (for example, in Odessa — “Harbourpolis Odessa”, in Lviv — “Workshop on the Redevelopment of the Lviv Central Railway Station”, in Innsbruck (Austria) — “Passive House settlement in Innsbruck”).

Moreover, scientific activity allows students to earn additional points to their academic ranking and continue research work pursuing postgraduate studies.

A point of contact. Professors of the department who have different scientific directions will help you to discover the world of science.

Students hesitating in their endeavors may put questions to Deputy Head for Academic Affairs — Morklianyk Oksana Igorivna, and Head of Young Scientists Council IARCH — Kolomieitsev Anton Viktorovych.

Join us on Facebook: Council of Young Scientists


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