Scientific activity of the Accounting and Analysis Department

The Department of Accounting and Analysis conduct scientific activity in the following main areas:

  • Implementation of research works;
  • Preparation of dissertations for obtaining scientific degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science by graduate students and researchers of the department;
  • Publication of monographs and scientific articles, textbooks and training manuals;
  • Participation of the department teaching staff in international and all-Ukrainian symposia, round tables and other scientific events;
  • Scientific cooperation with leading companies and budgetary institutions;
  • Participation in international seminars and internships of the department teaching staff in leading institutions of higher education;
  • Involvement of talented student youth in scientific work, etc.

The scientific research of the department focus on solving the following problems: development of accounting theory in accordance with the requirements of international standardization of financial reporting; analytical support of the management system of Ukrainian enterprises, improvement of the methodology of strategic and situational analysis in conditions of instability of external environment; development of audit methodological principles; application of modern automated information systems in accounting, analysis, audit.

During 2015-2019, the teaching staff of the department conducted scientific research on the following topics:

  1. "System of accounting and reporting as a tool of enterprise management" (head – L.M. Pylypenko, registration number – 0115U004216);
  2. "Development of conceptual and methodological foundations of accounting system" (head - I.Y. Yaremko, registration number - 0115U004217);
  3. "Theoretical and methodological basis for the development of accounting systems considering multi-species structure of the national economic complex of Ukraine" (head – O.S. Vysochan, registration number – 0115U004218);
  4. "Economic development of the enterprise: theoretical and methodological aspects and management tools" (head – V. M. Chubai, registration number — 0115U004220);
  5. "Accounting and analytical support of the enterprise management system" (head – A.G. Zagorodniy, registration number – 0115U004221).

In 2020, the following topics of scientific research were approved:

  1. "Accounting in Galicia in the 19th and mid-20th centuries: historical and methodological dimension" (head –Yaremko I.Y.).
  2. "Accounting and analytical support of the enterprise management system" (head – A.G. Zagorodniy).
  3. "Formation and distribution of information flow between entities of the enterprise accounting system" (head – Vysochan O.S.).
  4. "Control of financial and credit institutions: development of theoretical and applied principles and methods" (head – O.I. Skasko).
  5. "Accounting in the context of sustainable economic development" (leader – L.M. Pylypenko).
  6. "Theoretical, methodological and organizational aspects of audit and analysis: problems and solutions " (head – Chubai V.M.).

Scientific research of the department is aimed at solving actual problems of improvement and development of accounting and reporting, control, analytical and auditing activities in the conditions of the market economy.

During 2004-2005, research were conducted within the framework of the state budget topic "Formation and use of the mechanism of innovative development of industrial-economic structures."

2007-2010 – "Formation and development of a system of indicators of production and economic activity of the enterprises: theoretical, methodological and methodical principles", which was implemented within the framework of the Interagency Coordination Plan of Scientific Research on Environmental and Socio-Economic Problems of the Development of Productive Forces of Ukraine – Council for the Study of Productive Forces of Ukraine NAS of Ukraine.

In 2009-2010, the state budget topic DB/FAKTOR "Polycriterial diagnosis of the enterprise activity based on the matrix of indicators" is being developed. The teaching staff of the department took part in the performance of the inter-departmental state budget applied topic DB/LANC "Management of the enterprise innovative processes in the value chains". 

The applied direction of scientific research of the department is the implementation of self-financing and contractual topics on the order of the enterprises and organizations. In particular, for:

  • Specialized Department No. 14 of Naftogazbud CJSC – methodological recommendations for accounting and control of costs for maintenance and operation of construction machines and mechanisms to improve the information base for managing overhead costs were developed and put into practice;
  • OJSC "Conveyor" – cost management systems and provisions on a balanced system of economic and financial indicators of the activity of each structural unit at the enterprise were developed, in particular, methodical provision of a balanced system of economic and financial indicators for this company, aimed at forming its value and increasing the level of capitalization, was developed;
  • "Vesttransbud" LLP (2018) – the method of accounting and analytical support of the cost management system was developed;
  • "Alfabudservice" PE (2018) – the method of accounting and analytical support of the financial flow management system was developed;
  • PE "Investcom-Zahid" (2018) – the method of accounting and analytical support of the cost management system was developed;
  • PE "Auditing firm "Contracts-Audit" (2018) – the method of forming working audit documentation, analysis of financial statements of enterprises has been improved;
  • "Nikoagrolay" farm (2018) – developed a methodology for accounting for transaction costs when selling products and providing services;
  • "Ukragromax Plus" farm (2018) – a method of accounting and analytical support for own capital management and dividend policy was developed;
  • "Alfa" farm (2018) – a methodology for calculating the value of own and leased land was developed;
  • "Termounion" LLP (2019) – a methodology for accounting and analytical support of the receivables and payables management system was developed.

For the development of the scientific project "Strategic analysis of innovation and investment activities in the management system of a machine-building enterprise" (state registration number 0109U001168)) Assoc. prof. Chubai V.M. received a grant from Lviv Polytechnic National University

Scientific projects of young teachers of the department have repeatedly won prestigious competitions. In particular, Assoc. prof. Koval Z.O. won the name award of the head of the Lviv regional administration and the head of the Lviv regional council, which is periodically awarded to young scientists, for outstanding merits in the field of science; Assoc. prof. Pylypenko L.M. received the diploma of the winner of the 5th All-Ukrainian youth competition "Newest Intellect of Ukraine" in the nomination "Applied research on economic topics" (2010); Assoc. prof. V.M. Chubai was awarded the diploma of the winner of the contest "Best Young Scientist of the Year" of the Lviv Polytechnic National University for his scientific achievements in 2009.

Post-graduate students are trained at the department and teaching staff take an active part in the consideration of dissertations for obtaining scientific degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science. During the existence of the department, 33 PhD and 4 Doctor of Science theses were defended. Postgraduate students and degree holders are supervised by: prof. Zagorodniy A.G., prof. Sazhynets S.Y., prof. Yaremko I.Y., prof. Vysochan O.S., Assoc. prof. Kindratska G.I., Assoc. prof. Khomyak R.L., prof. Pylypenko L.M. Under the scientific guidance of Zagorodniy A.G. dissertations for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of economic sciences (Doctor of Philosophy) were defended by 12 graduate students and researchers.

The results of fundamental and applied research are published in scientific publications and made public at conferences and symposia.

The teaching staff of the department combines educational and scientific activities, which contributes to the increase of educational process efficiency, improving the content of education by taking into account the modern theory and practice of accounting and taxation, and implementing modern educational and methodological support for the training of specialists.

In 2002-2019, 62 monographs, 21 textbooks, and 105 training manuals were published. The introduction of innovative approaches to the teaching of specialized disciplines contributed to the preparation of textbooks, study guides, and dictionaries, which won the recognition not only of teachers and students but also of scientists and practitioners, in particular:

• Zagorodniy A.G., Voznyuk G.L. Financial and economic dictionary (4th ed., supplemented and revised, 2014);

• Zagorodniy A.G., Partyn G.O., Pylypenko L.M., Partyn T.I. Accounting: Fundamentals of theory and practice (4th ed., revised and supplemented, 2018); 

• Kindratska G.I., Zagorodniy A.G., Kulynyak Yu.I. Analysis of economic activity (2019).

The monographs, textbooks and teaching aids prepared by the teachers of the department take prize places in the competitions for the best edition, which are held at the Lviv Polytechnic.

Terminological dictionaries and encyclopedias (more than 20), prepared with the direct participation of the head of the department, prof. Zagorodniy A.G., have received special recognition among the scientific community. For the creation of the most complete Ukrainian-language "Financial Dictionary" A.G. Zahorodnyi has been awarded the Ivan Ohienko prize. During 2002-2003, he was a member of the working group on preparation of banking terminology standards of the National Bank of Ukraine.

"Financial and Economic Dictionary" (published in 2005 by the Lviv Polytechnic publishing house) is one of the first Ukrainian-language publications, which contained definitions and interpretations of about six and a half thousand concepts and terms and reflected searches in the field of Ukrainian financial and economic terminology. The third edition of the dictionary (2011) already covered ten thousand concepts from financial and economic relations. Modern scientific monographs, educational literature, encyclopedias, legislative acts, normative and special publications, etc. were widely used in the work on the dictionary, which is useful both for the practitioners, and for the scientists, undergraduate and postgraduate students.

According to the results of research, the teachers of the department published more than 844 scientific articles and 875 scientific conference proceedings in 2002-2019. Scientific articles are published in specialized publications: Bulletin of the Lviv Polytechnic National University, leading specialized scientific editions and journals "Accounting and Audit", "Finance of Ukraine", "Economics of Ukraine", "Higher School", "Economist", "Tax Planning", "Problems of science", "Banking", "Regional economy", "Actual problems of the economy", etc. Prof. Zahorodnyi A.G. is the author of articles in "Encyclopedia of Banking", three-volume "Economic Encyclopedia", "Encyclopedic Tax Dictionary".

One of the important directions of the scientific work of the department is the holding of scientific conferences, the purpose of which is to highlight and solve current scientific-theoretical and applied problems of accounting, analysis and control, as well as to increase the professional level of undergraduate and postgraduate students.

It has become traditional for the Department of Accounting and Analysis to hold the scientific-practical conference "Accounting and Analytical Support of the Enterprise Management System", to which scientists, teachers of higher education institutions, undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as practicing experts in the accounting and analytical sphere are invited to participate. Since 2007, 4 such conferences have been held, which have gained international status.

The last conference, which took place on October 24-26, 2019, was attended by 202 participants who submitted to the organizing committee 120 abstracts of reports, which were published before the start of the conference in a separate collection (Materials of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Accounting and Analytical Support of the System of enterprise management". – Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2019. – 248 p.). Based on the results of the conference, the English-language journals "Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management" and the collective monograph "Development of accounting and analytical support for enterprise management" were also published.

The conference program included a discussion of current topics in such areas as: current state and problems of accounting and analytical support of the enterprise's management system; unification of accounting and analytical procedures: international experience and domestic practice; information systems and technologies in the system of accounting and analytical support for enterprise management; organizational and methodical aspects of training accounting and analytical specialists and improving their qualifications.

On March 23, 2018, the 4th All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Internet Conference of Young Scientists "Accounting, Analysis and Audit in the System of Enterprise Information Support" was held. The areas of the conference included: "Development of enterprise management information support systems", "Ways of adaptation of accounting system to the conditions of the modern economy", "Analytical tools in enterprise management", "Prospects for the development of auditing activities in Ukraine", "Problems and prospects of using information systems and technologies in accounting, analysis and auditing".

In order to involve students in scientific work within the framework of the annual student scientific and technical conference of the Lviv Polytechnic National University, the department organizes the international conference "Problems of accounting, control and analysis in the economy of Ukraine".

Students of the Lviv Polytechnic and other higher education institutions, both Ukrainian and foreign, take an active part in the work of the conference. Students whose reports are recognized as the best are awarded certificates, diplomas, as well as valuable prizes (mostly author's textbooks and training manuals of the department's teachers).

As part of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Lviv Polytechnic, the department held a round table on the topic "200-year history of teaching accounting at the Lviv Polytechnic".

The department, together with specialized departments of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (Poland), University "Artifex" of Bucharest (Romania), Odesa National Polytechnic University, organized the International competition of student research papers on accounting, taxation, analysis and auditing. The main tasks of the Competition are the development of international scientific cooperation and the activation of scientific research of students in the field of accounting, taxation, analysis and auditing, as well as increasing the prestige of the specialty 071 "Accounting and taxation".

In general, the staff of the department of accounting and analysis realizes that science is first and foremost in a research university, therefore it accordingly organizes scientific work and forms a strategy for its further development.

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