Aims and Objectives of SUSTAIN project

The project aim is to implement the EU experience in achieving sustainable development goals based on the digital economy through the educational process and thematic activities (based on Lviv Polytechnic National University).

In general, the project will contribute to the formation of a new paradigm the economic education in Ukraine and involves the development and implementation of disciplines "Economics of sustainable development in the context digitalization: the EU experience" and "Methods and models of digital sustainable economic development: European practices", and several thematic activities on sustainable development (round table, workshop, international conference), creation of a website with information on the implementation of sustainable development goals (SDGs), comparison of European and domestic achievements in the field of sustainable development, introduction of successful European practices in educational programs of Ukrainian universities, elaboration of E-Learning Methodical Complex on platform Moodle, publication of articles, monograph, abstracts of the international conference and Practical Guide on the results of the project. This will contribute to the dissemination of European experience in sustainable economic development with the use of digitalization to achieve its goals and will contribute to the acquisition of students' general and professional competencies in the implementation of SDGs and their further implementation in professional life. 

Expected results and quantitative indicators:

  • coverage of target audiences by the discipline "Economics of sustainable development in the context of digitalization: EU experience" (students 051 "Business Economics": bachelors (67 people/year), masters (24 people/year), graduate students of the first year of study (6 people/year), students 126 "Information Systems and Technologies": bachelors (160 people/year), masters (40 people/year), graduate students (10 people/year) and other students or listeners who choose the proposed project disciplines within their educational programs;
  • coverage of target audiences by the discipline "Methods and models of digital support for sustainable economic development: European practices" (students 051 "Business Economics": bachelors (67 people/year), masters (24 people/year), graduate students of the first year (6 Persons/year), students 126 "Information Systems and Technologies": bachelors (160 people/year), masters (40 people/year), graduate students (10 people/year) and other students or listeners who choose the proposed in the project of discipline within the limits of the educational programs;
  • participation of experts and stakeholders in project events (round table - more than 30 people; workshop – more than 30 people; international conference – more than 120 people); 
  • publication of 3 articles, 1 monograph, 1 abstracts collection of the conference, 1 Practical Guide of the project participants; 
  • creation of 1 website;
  • certification of E-Learning Methodical Complex on the Moodle platform "Economics of sustainable development in the context of digitalization: the EU experience".

Dissemination geography EU experience on sustainable development on the basis of digitalization: all of Ukraine by exchanging and disseminating information at project events and teaching disciplines to students of Lviv Polytechnic National University (includes about 150 educational and research units located in Ukraine).

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