List of Performed Works

List of performed works

  1. Development of economic diagnostic system at Subsidiary enterprise “Class-contact” of LLC “International information-consulting group”.
  2. Optimization of the technology of foreign economic operations implementation at LLC “Trading House” GALKA“.
  3. Formation of the development system of the foremen administration and management competences at LLC “Auchan Ukraine Hypermarket” in the spheres as follows: management, HR-management, conflictology, organizational behavior, conducting presentations, leadership psychology, teamwork and time management.
  4. Research and improvement of the communication management system of LLC “Media-West”.
  5. DB/PSM “Methodology and instruments of process-structured management”.
  6. DB/FACTOR “Polycriterial diagnosis of enterprises activity based on a matrix of indicators”.
  7. DB/THEOR “Formation and development of an indicators system of enterprises production and economic activity: theoretical, methodological and methodical principles”.
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