List of Performed Works

List of performed works:

  1. Development of geoinformation system “GeoInventory” for the spatial inventory of greenhouse gases emissions in the energy sector, industry and agriculture. The inventory is carried out at the level of elementary plots, administrative districts or regions. Both stationary and moving sources of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and other greenhouse gases emissions are taken into consideration in the main categories and subcategories of anthropogenic activities. The unified templates enable to enter the incoming statistical information at the level of regions, districts and separate localities. The results of the geoinformation system work are as follows: digital maps and geologically distributed databases with the information about the geographical location of the objects, existing sources of emissions, structure and quantitative assessment of emissions taking into consideration the separate greenhouse gases and usable fuel types. The geoinformation system gives the possibility to estimate the emission structure according to the separate activity types both for the main greenhouse gases and for total emissions in CO2 equivalent
  2. Development of programmes for numerical solution of boundary-value problems for non-linear ordinary differential equations.
    • Development of the programme for the numerical solution of the first-order non-linear ordinary differential equation systems on a finite interval with inseparable boundary conditions. The programme implements the adaptive algorithm for the solution of boundary-value problems by means of two-point difference schemes of the 7th and 8th order of accuracy with the predetermined accuracy and automatic selection of grid points.
    • Development of the programme for the numerical solution of boundary-value problems on a half-line for the second-order non-linear ordinary differential equations. The programme implements the adaptive algorithm for the solution of boundary-value problems on a half-line by means of three-point difference schemes of the 4th and 6th order of accuracy with the predetermined accuracy and automatic selection of grid points.
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