List of Performed Works

List of performed works

  1. Cleaning of natural sulfur from light volatile organic contaminants by air (“Rozdilske SMCP “SULPHUR”).
  2. Cleaning of ventilation gases from hydrogen sulfide by quinhydrone method (productivity — 270 000 of m3/h, (“Rozdilske SMCP “SULPHUR”, “Novoyavorivsk SMCP “SIRKA”).
  3. Complex cleaning technology of exhaust gases and recuperation of thermal energy in the production of pigmentary titanium (IV) oxide (sulfuric acid systems with productivity of 85 000 m3/h); manufacturing site for acid decomposition of ilmenite (productivity of 120 000 m3/h), manufacturing site of pasta calcination of meta titanium acid (productivity of 90 000 m3/h), workshop of production of colored iron oxide pigments (productivity of 25 000 m3/h, ) (JSC “Krymskiy titan”).
  4. Recycling magnesium chloride solutions on magnesium (productivity — 1 000 tons/h) (“Stebnycjkyi Kalijnyj” factory).
  5. Obtaining sodium pyro sulphite from solutions of sodium chloride and sulfur (IV) oxide (productivity — 700 tons/year).
  6. Microarc and color oxidation of alloys of aluminum and magnesium (PA “Pivdenmash”, “Electronmash”).
  7. Complex recycling of used catalysts (KСO, HІAP-10) and hot dip galvanizing wastes with obtaining of electrolytic copper and zinc (Company “Argentum”).
  8. Electrochemical recycling of secondary raw materials containing tungsten carbide for production of tungsten compounds and nickel salts (Company “Argentum”).
  9. Plasma chemical decomposition of hydrogen sulfide for production of hydrogen and special kinds of sulfur (CPP “Galychyna”).
  10. Treatment of drainage and reservoir waters from hydrogen sulfide (“Novoyavorivsk SMCP “SIRKA”, Myrnyi diamond deposits).
  11. Recycling of secondary solutions of nickel (II) sulfate with obtaining of nickel powder, magnesium oxide and Tutton salt (productivity of 7 kg of nickel powder per hour, (Company “Argentum”).
  12. Cavitation intensification of wastewater treatment processes from organic compounds (“Energoresurs-Invest” Corporation).
  13. Cavitation-flotation cleaning technology of water environments from dispersed particles (“Energoresurs-Invest” Corporation).
  14. Generation of aerosols of various functional purposes.
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