Promoting professional education and students engagement through comprehensive mentoring and tutoring system at HEIs

Project coordinator: Oleh Matviykiv, DScTech., prof.
Nataliia Bokla, PhD, associate professor at the Department of CADS
Oksana Ivanytska, PhD, associate professor at the Department of FL
Olha Savchenko, PhD, senior lecturer at the Department of MSCH
Phone number(s)
(32) 258-21-11

Project Start 01.03.2023 End: 28.02.2026
Project Reference: 101082696-ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-2
EU Grant: 760.522 €
Programme: Erasmus+ KA2
Component KA2: Cooperation for innovation and exchange of best practices – Capacity building in higher education

PROMENT project is a Tutoring and Mentoring (T&M) Program in the HEIs for support initiative designed to assist students in higher education institutions.

The mentoring component pairs experienced mentors with students who need academic or professional guidance.

The tutoring component brings together senior students and freshmen students to help the latter feel more confident in the university environment.

Being part of the PROMENT T&M Program means that students can improve their grades, level up their study skills, acquire new competencies, realize their hopes and professional ambitions, feel more confident and generally become part of a cool university community.

The project aim is:

Fostering students' employability and civic engagement through implementing the comprehensive tutoring & mentoring system as a response to the contemporary labour market demands.

Project activities are directed at 4 universities from Ukraine and 2 universities from Georgia:

  1. Lviv Polytechnic National University (Ukraine)
  2. Dnipro University of Technology (Ukraine)
  3. Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University (Ukraine)
  4. Chernihiv Polytechnic National University (Ukraine)
  5. Shota Rustaveli State University (Georgia)
  6. Georgian Technical University (Georgia)